This conteiner runs a Soapui 5.5. Can be used to run functional or load tests. The advantage is:
- runs in Jenkins or any Pipeline that supports docker
- no need to install or configure Soapui
- no Memory Consumption based on the GUI interface of SOAPUI
- all tests must run in command line
In my case, I use it to run remotely on my jenkins conteiner: functional tests and load tests written in SOAPUI
- go to the folder where your Soapui project is saved
- you do not need to build this image, use this pre-built instead:
docker pull linhares/soapui-docker:5.5.0-1.0.0
- run the appropriate docker command. See examples bellow
LOG_LEVEL - sets the log level on soapui log4 - Eg:
- Default value is DEBUG
XMX - sets the max memory for Java - Eg:
-e "XMX=4000m"
- Default value is 1024m
COMMAND - this env parameter just tells conteiner what command it will run - Eg:
-e ""
- Default value is
Command of the Conteiner Here you pass the soapui parameters just like calling it via command line. Follow examples bellow
All examples assume:
- you are in the folder where your Soapui tests resids
- the test project xml is Barramento-API-V3-soapui-project.xml
- there is a test suite named: SuiteTestes1
- there is a test case named: TestCase-EnvioRecebimento-MultiAnexos
- there is a test load named: LoadTest 1
Just replace for your own names on the examples.
call simple test
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/project linhares/soapui-docker:5.5.0-1.0.0 /project/Barramento-API-V3-soapui-project.xml
call simple test but specifying suite and testcase to run
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/project linhares/soapui-docker:5.5.0-1.0.0 -sSuiteTestes1 -cTestCase-EnvioRecebimento-MultiAnexos /project/Barramento-API-V3-soapui-project.xml
call load test
docker run --rm -it -e "LOG_LEVEL=ERROR" -e "XMX=4000m" -e "" -v "$PWD":/project linhares/soapui-docker:5.5.0-1.0.0 /project/Barramento-API-V3-soapui-project.xml
Pay attention to the env parameters: COMMAND, XMX and LOG_LEVEL
call specific load test saving the results to a dir with others parameters
docker run --rm -it -e "TZ=America/Sao_Paulo" -e "XMX=4000m" -e "" -v "$PWD":/project linhares/soapui-docker:5.5.0-1.0.0 -sSuiteTestes1 -cTestCase-EnvioRecebimento-MultiAnexos -PQtdArquivosProcesso=2 -m5 -n2 -r -f/project/result -l"LoadTest 1" /project/Barramento-API-V3-soapui-project.xml
-m change how many iterations the load test will run
-n how many threads will be created in parallel
-r export statistics
-f output folder of the results
-l inform the specific Load Test in case you have many
etc. Here you can use all parameters of the soapui loadrunner
Initially the logs will show some error messages, just ignore then. Thats because the conteiner does not have a GUI. The tests will run at the end. Just follow the logs.
I used this image as a start point: There it installs the SOAPUI 5.5. I just made some tweaks to run heavy load tests.