a library for basic math expression manipulations
.Net 5.0.102 sdk or greater
<PackageReference Include="EMDD.KtExpressions" Version="*.*.*" />
- Yeah basically, I needed some mathematical expression implementations for my masters thesis in civil engineering which requires the manipulation of piecewise function. I was unable to find one that fits my needs so I had to build one from scratch.
can be instantiated by supplying array of Term
, array of KtPolynomials, array of numbers (double, int types etc), with the option to imclude the limit of the functions
Let's say you want to instantiate a function
it can be written as
//Create the equations first
var eq1 = EMDD.KtPolynomials.KtPolynomial.Create(2, 3);
var eq2 = EMDD.KtPolynomials.KtPolynomial.Create(3, 0, -2);
//create the limits
var lim1= new EMDD.KtExpressions.Limits.Limit(-50, -30);
var lim2= new EMDD.KtExpressions.Limits.Limit(0, 50);
//instantiate the Expression by providing equation parameters in valuetuple form
var expression = new EMDD.KtExpressions.Expression.Expression((eq1, lim1), (eq2, lim2));
- addition, subtraction, multiplications with other expressions, multiplications with constants, division by other expressions, and division by constants
- representation fractions of expressions
- simplification of basic expression
- representation of piece-wise functions