Working with numerical grids made easy.
Main Features
- Quickly define numerical grids for any rectangular or curvilinear coordinate system
- Differentiation and integration
- Interpolation
- Easy manipulation of meshed functions
- Using high precision spectral methods (FFT + Chebyshev) wherever possible
- Includes multigrid functionality
- Fully compatible with numpy
pip install --upgrade numgrids
As a quick example, here is how you define a grid on the unit disk using polar coordinates. Along the azimuthal (angular) direction, choose an equidistant spacing with periodic boundary conditions:
from numgrids import *
from numpy import pi
axis_phi = Axis(AxisType.EQUIDISTANT, 50, 0, 2*pi, periodic=True)
Along the radial axis, let's choose a non-equidistant spacing:
axis_radial = Axis(AxisType.CHEBYSHEV, 20, 0, 1)
Now combine the axes to a grid:
grid = Grid(axis_radial, axis_phi)
Sample a meshed function on this grid:
from numpy import exp, sin
R, Phi = grid.meshed_coords
f = R**2 * sin(Phi)**2
Define partial derivatives
# second argument means derivative order, third argument means axis index:
d_dr = Diff(grid, 1, 0)
d_dphi = Diff(grid, 1, 1)
df_dr = d_dr(f)
df_dphi = d_dphi(f)
Obtain the matrix representation of the differential operators:
Out: <1000x1000 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 20000 stored elements in COOrdinate format>
Define integration operator
I = Integral(grid)
Calculate the area integral
(taking into account the appropriate integration measure
I(f * R)
Setting boundary values to zero
f[grid.boundary] = 0 # grid.boundary is boolean mask selecting boundary grid points
or to something more complicated:
f[grid.boundary] = exp(-R[grid.boundary])
Create an interpolation function
inter = Interpolator(grid, f)
Interpolate for a single point
point = (0.1, 0.5)
or for many points at once, like for a parametrized curve:
t = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
points = zip(2*t, t**2)
To get an idea how numgrids can be used, have a look at the following example notebooks:
- How to define grids
- Partial derivatives in any dimension
- Polar coordinates on unit disk
- Spherical Grid and the Spherical Laplacian
- Solving the Schrödinger equation for the quantum harmonic oscillator
Clone the repository
git clone
In the project root directory, submit
python develop
to install the package in development mode.
Run the tests:
python -m unittest discover tests
- Fork the repository
- Develop
- Write tests!
- Create an issue
- Create a pull request, when done