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Matthew Martin edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 2 revisions



Returns a list of the playlists currently on the machine

HTTP Status Code: 200

Body: application/json

        "label": string - a human readable title of the playlist
        "uid": string - the unique identifier for the playlist


Uploads a new playlist to the machine

Body: application/json

    "label": string - a human readable title of the playlist
    "description": string - a description of the playlist
            "uid": string - the unique identifier for the audio resource to play,
            "times_to_play": integer - the number of times to play the audio resource. -1 = keep playing,

HTTP Status Code: 201

The playlist has been uploaded successfully

Body: application/json

    "result": boolean - true if this particular playlist was uploaded,
    "uid": string - the unique id of the resource that has been uploaded

HTTP Status Code: 400

The data sent to the endpoint was incorrect in some way

Body: application/json

    "result": boolean - false, 
        an array of strings giving the reasons for the failure 
        the json that was sent to the server 

HTTP Status Code: 409

A playlist already exists on the server with the given label or the server could not create a unique id

Body: application/json

    "result": boolean - false, 
        an array of strings giving the reasons for the failure 
        the json that was sent to the server 

HTTP Status Code: 423

Returned when the system has been locked using the Status API endpoint

Body: application/json

    "result": false,
        "the system is locked"
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