A model to classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset using PyTorch. The model uses 3 Convolutional Layers, Maxpooling Layers, 3 Fully Connected(Linear Layers) and Dropout Layers with 50% probability.
Test Loss: 0.787522
Test Accuracy of airplane: 76% (760/1000)
Test Accuracy of automobile: 87% (871/1000)
Test Accuracy of bird: 60% (600/1000)
Test Accuracy of cat: 56% (564/1000)
Test Accuracy of deer: 69% (692/1000)
Test Accuracy of dog: 61% (612/1000)
Test Accuracy of frog: 81% (815/1000)
Test Accuracy of horse: 78% (785/1000)
Test Accuracy of ship: 87% (871/1000)
Test Accuracy of truck: 83% (831/1000)
Test Accuracy (Overall): 74% (7401/10000)
model is doing really poorly in classifying animals especially those with varying colors like cats and birds. Create another Convolutional layer that classifies finer details such as colors. A lower learning rate also, so that there's is faster convergence. Augmentation might also improve the model.