It is still in extremely early development - so early, in fact, that it can't do much of anything yet, and has no real module system. I aim to keep the API as similar as possible to the Node.js APIs, while taking advantage of F#'s features where it makes sense. However, due to language differences (and the abundance of reserved words in F#) some things may be slightly different, or be named slightly differently.
It can currently run F# versions of simple Node.js apps, such as some of the ones from the Node Beginner Book ( Here is an example:
let http = new http() let console = new console() let url = new url() http.createServer(fun (request, response) -> response.writeHead (200, dict["Content-Type", "text/html"]) let pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname console.log "Request for %s received." pathname if pathname = "/upload" then request.addListener("data", fun data -> let message = sprintf "You typed %s" data response.write(message) ) request.addListener("end", fun data -> response.endResponse ) else let data = "<html>" + "<head>"+ "</head>"+ "<body>"+ "<form action=\"/upload\" method=\"post\">"+ "<textarea name=\"text\" rows=\"20\" cols=\"60\"></textarea>"+
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit text\" />"+ "</form>"+ "</body>"+ "</html>" response.write data response.endResponse
console.log "The server has started" Console.ReadLine() |> ignore