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Miriam Briskman edited this page May 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

Implementing TRed Efficiently

  • All this work is done in the scope of the Spring 2020 Independent Study (CISC 5001) Class in the Computer Science Department of Brooklyn College.
  • This semester, the TRed (Tandem Repeats Detector) C++ program has been analyzed and upgraded to improve execution speed.
  • The TRed Version v4.0 and v4.1-alpha programs were released.
  • See newest release: TRed Version v4.1.1-alpha.


Release v4.1.1-alpha

Release v4.1.1-alpha (Suffix arrays version: Default Setting) is at

Note: The program at this version runs longer than the program at version v4.0.1. It is advised to use the v4.0.1 release of the program (see below) for maximum execution speed.

Release v4.0.1

Release v4.0.1 (Multi-threaded version: Default Setting) is at

Release v4.1-alpha

Release v4.1-alpha (Suffix arrays version) is at

Note: The program at this version runs longer than the program at version v4.0.1. It is advised to use the v4.0.1 release of the program (see above) for maximum execution speed.

Release v4.0

Release v4.0 (Multi-threaded version) is at

Project's Progress

To view the progress that the project is making, view

Getting Started

To clone the repository, enter

git clone

in your command-line application. Afterwards, cd into the repository.

Then, select the branch related to the release you wish to view (either multi-threaded or suffix-array) and type

git checkout multi-threaded


git checkout suffix-array

respectively, to enter the branch and view the most recent source code + usage instructions.

Alternatively, choose the relevant release from above and download a zipped (.zip) or tarred (tar.gz) folder containing the program to your device.