A Class method to email. Meant to demonstrate an understading of the DRY method.
- I've made an assumption that you have an email address and access to SMTP server.
- There is also an assumption that you have an environment file (.env) in the same working directory
Clone to the directory of choice, then import for usage in your scripts.
emailto: Intended recipient list; emails separated by comma
emailsubject: Subject of your email
emailbody: The body of your email
mail_attachment: The file that you are attaching (optional)
mail_attachment_name: The name of the file that you are attaching (optional)
emaillcc: Intended cc recipient list; emails separated by comma (optional)
mimemsg: The actual message. email method cares for creation of this object
success: P / F . P indicates a Pass, F a Failure. Intended for auto generated emails
Failure will provide a date time stamp with an attachment. (optional)
Instantiate the message object, then email() it.
message_example = Message('[email protected]','Test','This is a test email.')
Tutorials from:
Python Simplified - https://www.youtube.com/@PythonSimplified
Tutorials from Corey Schafer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDa-Z5JzLYM&list=PL-osiE80TeTsqhIuOqKhwlXsIBIdSeYtc