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Adding links in documentation for MATLAB and Statistics and Machine
Learning Toolbox.
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mathinking committed Feb 21, 2016
1 parent 8dcaebd commit 328506c
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Showing 13 changed files with 18 additions and 11 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions Hopfield Network Toolbox.prj
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<deployment-project plugin="plugin.toolbox" plugin-version="1.0">
<configuration build-checksum="3872350337" file="E:\Users\Lucas\Documents\GitHub\HopfieldNetworkToolbox\Hopfield Network Toolbox.prj" location="E:\Users\Lucas\Documents\GitHub\HopfieldNetworkToolbox" name="Hopfield Network Toolbox" target="target.toolbox" target-name="Package Toolbox">
<configuration build-checksum="2809269297" file="E:\Users\Lucas\Documents\GitHub\HopfieldNetworkToolbox\Hopfield Network Toolbox.prj" location="E:\Users\Lucas\Documents\GitHub\HopfieldNetworkToolbox" name="Hopfield Network Toolbox" target="target.toolbox" target-name="Package Toolbox">
<param.appname>Hopfield Network Toolbox</param.appname>
<param.authnamewatermark>Lucas García Rodríguez</param.authnamewatermark>
<>[email protected]</>
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Hopfield Net TSP solver_resources/
<param.examples>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;exampleCategory name="Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Hopfield Networks"&gt;
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions help/html/chn_release_notes.html
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</style></head><body><div class="content"><h1>Hopfield Network Toolbox Release Notes</h1><!--introduction--><p>This toolbox is solves combinatorial optimization problems by using Continuous Hopfield Networks (CHN).</p><p>The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products: HERE</p><!--/introduction--><h2>Contents</h2><div><ul><li><a href="#1">Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015</a></li><li><a href="#2">Version 1.1, 21-Feb-2015</a></li><li><a href="#4">Version 1.0, 02-Nov-2015</a></li><li><a href="#5">References</a></li></ul></div><h2>Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015<a name="1"></a></h2><p>Bug fixing for Unix platforms</p><p>List of <a href="">Bugs</a> fixed in this release.</p><p><a href="">Version 1.1.1 on GitHub</a></p><h2>Version 1.1, 21-Feb-2015<a name="2"></a></h2><p>New App, Toolbox Documentation and Examples.</p><p><a href="">New Features</a>:</p><div><ul><li>Hopfield Net TSP solver App</li><li>Toolbox documentation</li><li>Step-by-step examples</li><li>TSPLIB automatic download</li></ul></div><p>List of <a href="">Bugs</a> fixed in this release.</p><p><a href="">Version 1.1 on GitHub</a></p><h2>Version 1.0, 02-Nov-2015<a name="4"></a></h2><p>Initial release of Hopfield Network Toolbox.</p><p>This release is mainly focused in solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using the Continuous Hopfield Network (<i>CHN</i>). However, the release also provides a class structure to solve generic combinatorial optimization problems. Development in this area is undergoing.</p><p>The class to solve the TSP problems using <i>CHNs</i> is <tt>tsphopfieldnet</tt>. This network can solve any TSP problem, provided its coordinates or distance matrix. The Toolbox also includes the library TSPLIB, a de facto library for TSP benchmarks. Instances with up to 13509 cities have been tested using the <tt>tsphopfieldnet</tt> network. Note that solving such instances might require a large amount of memory.</p><p>Two main algorithms can be tested in this release:</p><div><ul><li><tt>talavan-yanez</tt>: based on the paper <a href="">Parameter setting of the Hopfield network</a> applied to TSP by <i>Pedro M. Talav&aacute;n and Javier Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez</i>.</li><li><tt>divide-conquer</tt>: based on the paper (pending publishing at the time of this release) Improving the Hopfield model performance when applied to the traveling salesman problem: A divide-and-conquer scheme by <i>Lucas Garc&iacute;a, Pedro M. Talav&aacute;n and Javier Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez</i>.</li></ul></div><p><a href="">Version 1.0 on GitHub</a></p><h2>References<a name="5"></a></h2><div><ul><li>Garc&iacute;a, L., Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2016). <a href="">Improving the Hopfield model performance when applied to the traveling salesman problem</a>. Soft Computing, 1-15.</li><li>Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2002). <a href="">Parameter setting of the Hopfield network applied to TSP</a>. Neural Networks, 15(3), 363-373.</li><li>Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2005). <a href="">A continuous Hopfield network equilibrium points algorithm</a>. Computers &amp; operations research, 32(8), 2179-2196.</li></ul></div><p>The latest version of this toolbox is available on <a href="">GitHub</a>.</p><p class="footer"><br><a href="">Published with MATLAB&reg; R2015b</a><br></p></div><!--
</style></head><body><div class="content"><h1>Hopfield Network Toolbox Release Notes</h1><!--introduction--><p>This toolbox is solves combinatorial optimization problems by using Continuous Hopfield Networks (CHN).</p><p>The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products: <a href="">MATLAB&reg;</a> and <a href="">Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox&#8482;</a></p><!--/introduction--><h2>Contents</h2><div><ul><li><a href="#1">Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015</a></li><li><a href="#2">Version 1.1, 21-Feb-2015</a></li><li><a href="#4">Version 1.0, 02-Nov-2015</a></li><li><a href="#5">References</a></li></ul></div><h2>Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015<a name="1"></a></h2><p>Bug fixing for Unix platforms</p><p>List of <a href="">Bugs</a> fixed in this release.</p><p><a href="">Version 1.1.1 on GitHub</a></p><h2>Version 1.1, 21-Feb-2015<a name="2"></a></h2><p>New App, Toolbox Documentation and Examples.</p><p><a href="">New Features</a>:</p><div><ul><li>Hopfield Net TSP solver App</li><li>Toolbox documentation</li><li>Step-by-step examples</li><li>TSPLIB automatic download</li></ul></div><p>List of <a href="">Bugs</a> fixed in this release.</p><p><a href="">Version 1.1 on GitHub</a></p><h2>Version 1.0, 02-Nov-2015<a name="4"></a></h2><p>Initial release of Hopfield Network Toolbox.</p><p>This release is mainly focused in solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using the Continuous Hopfield Network (<i>CHN</i>). However, the release also provides a class structure to solve generic combinatorial optimization problems. Development in this area is undergoing.</p><p>The class to solve the TSP problems using <i>CHNs</i> is <tt>tsphopfieldnet</tt>. This network can solve any TSP problem, provided its coordinates or distance matrix. The Toolbox also includes the library TSPLIB, a de facto library for TSP benchmarks. Instances with up to 13509 cities have been tested using the <tt>tsphopfieldnet</tt> network. Note that solving such instances might require a large amount of memory.</p><p>Two main algorithms can be tested in this release:</p><div><ul><li><tt>talavan-yanez</tt>: based on the paper <a href="">Parameter setting of the Hopfield network</a> applied to TSP by <i>Pedro M. Talav&aacute;n and Javier Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez</i>.</li><li><tt>divide-conquer</tt>: based on the paper (pending publishing at the time of this release) Improving the Hopfield model performance when applied to the traveling salesman problem: A divide-and-conquer scheme by <i>Lucas Garc&iacute;a, Pedro M. Talav&aacute;n and Javier Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez</i>.</li></ul></div><p><a href="">Version 1.0 on GitHub</a></p><h2>References<a name="5"></a></h2><div><ul><li>Garc&iacute;a, L., Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2016). <a href="">Improving the Hopfield model performance when applied to the traveling salesman problem</a>. Soft Computing, 1-15.</li><li>Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2002). <a href="">Parameter setting of the Hopfield network applied to TSP</a>. Neural Networks, 15(3), 363-373.</li><li>Talav&aacute;n, P. M., &amp; Y&aacute;&ntilde;ez, J. (2005). <a href="">A continuous Hopfield network equilibrium points algorithm</a>. Computers &amp; operations research, 32(8), 2179-2196.</li></ul></div><p>The latest version of this toolbox is available on <a href="">GitHub</a>.</p><p class="footer"><br><a href="">Published with MATLAB&reg; R2015b</a><br></p></div><!--
##### SOURCE BEGIN #####
%% Hopfield Network Toolbox Release Notes
% This toolbox is solves combinatorial optimization problems by using
% Continuous Hopfield Networks (CHN).
% The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products: HERE
% The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products:
% < MATLAB®> and <
% Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™>
%% Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015
% Bug fixing for Unix platforms
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions help/html/chn_system_requirements.html
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><!--
This HTML was auto-generated from MATLAB code.
To make changes, update the MATLAB code and republish this document.
--><title>Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements</title><meta name="generator" content="MATLAB 8.6"><link rel="schema.DC" href=""><meta name="" content="2016-02-20"><meta name="DC.source" content="chn_system_requirements.m"><style type="text/css">
--><title>Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements</title><meta name="generator" content="MATLAB 8.6"><link rel="schema.DC" href=""><meta name="" content="2016-02-21"><meta name="DC.source" content="chn_system_requirements.m"><style type="text/css">

html { min-height:100%; margin-bottom:1px; }
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</style></head><body><div class="content"><h1>Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements</h1><p>Hopfield Network Toolbox requires MATLAB&reg; and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox&#8482;</p><p class="footer"><br><a href="">Published with MATLAB&reg; R2015b</a><br></p></div><!--
</style></head><body><div class="content"><h1>Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements</h1><p>Hopfield Network Toolbox requires <a href="">MATLAB&reg;</a> and <a href="">Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox&#8482;</a></p><p class="footer"><br><a href="">Published with MATLAB&reg; R2015b</a><br></p></div><!--
##### SOURCE BEGIN #####
%% Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements
% Hopfield Network Toolbox requires MATLAB(R) and Statistics and Machine
% Learning Toolbox(TM)
% Hopfield Network Toolbox requires < MATLAB®>
% and < Statistics and Machine
% Learning Toolbox™>
##### SOURCE END #####
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion help_source/chn_release_notes.m
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% This toolbox is solves combinatorial optimization problems by using
% Continuous Hopfield Networks (CHN).
% The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products: HERE
% The Hopfield Network Toolbox requires the following products:
% < MATLAB®> and <
% Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™>
%% Version 1.1.1, 21-Feb-2015
% Bug fixing for Unix platforms
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions help_source/chn_system_requirements.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% Hopfield Network Toolbox System Requirements
% Hopfield Network Toolbox requires MATLAB(R) and Statistics and Machine
% Learning Toolbox(TM)
% Hopfield Network Toolbox requires < MATLAB®>
% and < Statistics and Machine
% Learning Toolbox™>

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