This application allows you to follow the current exchange rates.
Project is created with:
- Java 17
- Jakarta EE
- Jakarta Servlet
- Tomcat 10
- Maven
- MySql
- Lombok
- downloading up-to-date exchange rates from
- currency conversion
- archival currencies
- user registration
- user authorization and authentication
- saving users and "favourite currencies" in MySQL database
- password encryption using SHA-256 algorithm
- admin panel for users management
- switch double variables to BigDecimal
- use Hibernate
- rewrite project using Spring framework
To run this project:
- create MySQL database using database.sql file
- overwrite database properties in and context.xml
- build .war file with maven
$ mvn clean install
- Deploy on Tomcat 10 server
- You can log in using (username: test, password: test) or (username: admin, password: admin)