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This branch is 7 commits ahead of, 324 commits behind jessesquires/JSQCoreDataKit:main.

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A swifter Core Data stack


This library aims to do the following:

  • Provide better interoperability with Swift
  • Harness Swift features and enforce Swift paradigms
  • Bring functional paradigms to Core Data
  • Simplify the processes of standing up the Core Data stack
  • Aid in testing your Core Data models
  • Reduce the boilerplate involved with Core Data

Further reading on Core Data:


  • Xcode 7.3+
  • iOS 8.0+
  • OSX 10.10+
  • tvOS 9.1+
  • watchOS 2.0+
  • Swift 2.2+


CocoaPods (recommended)


# For latest release in cocoapods
pod 'JSQCoreDataKit'

# Feeling adventurous? Get the latest on develop
pod 'JSQCoreDataKit', :git => '', :branch => 'develop'
github "jessesquires/JSQCoreDataKit"


Read the docs. Generated with jazzy. Hosted by GitHub Pages. More information on the gh-pages branch.

Getting Started

import JSQCoreDataKit

Standing up the stack

// Initialize the Core Data model, this class encapsulates the notion of a .xcdatamodeld file
// The name passed here should be the name of an .xcdatamodeld file
let bundle = NSBundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)

// Initialize a stack with a factory
let factory = CoreDataStackFactory(model: model)

let stack: CoreDataStack?
factory.createStackInBackground { (result: CoreDataStackResult) in
    switch result {
        case .Success(let s):
            stack = s

        case .Failure(let e):
            print("Error: \(e)")

In-memory stacks for testing

let inMemoryModel = CoreDataModel(name: myName, bundle: myBundle, storeType: .InMemory)
let factory = CoreDataStackFactory(model: inMemoryModel)
let stack = factory.createStack()

Saving a managed object context

saveContext(stack.mainContext) { result in
    switch result {
        case .Success:
            print("save succeeded")

        case .Failure(let error):
            print("save failed: \(error)")

Deleting the store

let bundle = NSBundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)
do {
    try model.removeExistingModelStore()
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")

Performing migrations

let bundle = NSBundle(identifier: "com.MyApp.MyModelFramework")!
let model = CoreDataModel(name: "MyModel", bundle: bundle)
if model.needsMigration {
    do {
        try migrate(model)
    } catch {
        print("Failed to migrate model: \(error)")

Using child contexts

// Create a background queue child context from the main queue context
let childContext = stack.childContext()


// Create a FetchRequest<T>, where T is a phantom type
let entity = entity(name: "MyModel", context: context)!
let request = FetchRequest<MyModel>(entity: entity)

var results = [MyModel]()
do {
    results = try fetch(request: request, inContext: context)
catch {
    print("Fetch error: \(error)")

print("Results = \(results)")


let objects: [MyModel] = /* array of MyModel objects */

deleteObjects(objects, inContext: context)

// Commit changes to remove objects from store

Example app

There's an example app in the Example/ directory. Open the ExampleApp.xcodeproj to run it. The project exercises all basic functionality of the library.

Unit tests

There's a suite of unit tests for JSQCoreDataKit.framework. To run them, open JSQCoreDataKit.xcodeproj, select the JSQCoreDataKit-iOS scheme, then ⌘-u.

These tests are well commented and serve as further documentation for how to use this library.


Please follow these sweet contribution guidelines.


Created and maintained by @jesse_squires.


JSQCoreDataKit is released under an MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

Copyright © 2015-present Jesse Squires.

Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.


No packages published


  • Swift 98.6%
  • Other 1.4%