Analyze quality of structural model, structural ensembles, and comparisons to models by Pyle, Incarnato, and Das labs.
: description of data used in generating the plots in the following figures:- Fig 4b
- Fig 5b
: performs most of the analyses and generates data and plots for the following figures:- Fig 1: b, c, d
- Fig 2: a, b
- Fig 3
- Fig S2: b, c
- Fig S3
- Fig S4
- Fig S5
- Fig S6: a, b
- Fig S7: b, c
- Fig S10: a, b
: a module for loading structural information from our models, Manfredonia et al., Huston et al., and Sun et al.; imported byrun_analysis
: compares structure to model from Rangan et al. and generates the following figures:- Fig S8: a, b, c, d, e, f
- Fig S9: a
: make the raw files used in preparing the structure models in Fig
: perform covariation analysis on the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 genome; not used for any figures but appears in our responses to
: find the sequence in the SARS-CoV-2 sequence database that matches the reference
: fold the SARS-2 genome using staggered windows to remove edge effects; results were extremely similar to ignoring edge effects, so not used in this
: Compute how many bases on each side of a TRS core sequence should be required for counting the TRS as unambiguously part of gRNA; not used for any results in this
: Compare our results to the model from Zhang et al. (2021). Nat. Comm. 12: 5695; not used for any results in this
: convert an RNA structure in CT format to dot-bracket format
: structure models of SARS-CoV-2 SL5, HIV RRE, and U4/U6 snRNAHuston
: SHAPE reactivities and structure model from Huston et al.Manfredonia
: SHAPE and DMS reactivities and structure model from Manfredonia et al.Sun
: icSHAPE reactivities and structure model from Sun et al.Zhang
: structure models of the SARS-CoV-2 FSE from Zhang et al.Lan
: lists of files of structure models
structure models of staggered regions of the SARS-CoV-2 based on the Vero and Huh7 DMS-MaPseq reactivities