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michaelficarra edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 2 revisions
feature name example include? AST? parse compile test
string interpolation “a#{b}”
assignment a = b
single-line comment # comment N/A N/A N/A
integer literal 1
decimal literal 1.1
boolean literal true/false
parentheses for grouping (a or b) and c N/A N/A
logical operators and/or/not/&&/||/!
comparison operators </<=/>/>=/==/!=/is/isnt
member access a.b
dynamic member access a[b]
explicit function application a(b, c)
indentation introduces blocks if a <\n> <indent> b N/A N/A
`then` introduces block if a then b N/A N/A
@-vars @a
unary existential operator a?
conditional execution if a then b
conditional else clause if a then b else c
negated flow control keywords unless/until N/A N/A
in operator a in b
of operator a of b
instanceof operator a instanceof b
negated infix operators not in, not of, not instanceof N/A N/A
for-in for v, k in a then e
for-of for k, v of o then e
filtered loops via when for a in b when c then d
own keyword for hasOwnProperty filter for own k of o then c
single-line function literals (a, b) -> c N/A
parameter-less functions -> a N/A
multi-line function literals -> <\n> <indent> a N/A N/A
maths operators /, +, -, %, *
array literals [a, b] mostly
explicit object literals {a: b} mostly
{pre,post}fix {in,de}crement –a, a–, ++a, a++
unary +/- +a, -a
explicit return return 0
unconditional loop loop then a N/A
break/continue loop then break
classes class A
class-extends class A extends B
class proto-assignments class A then m: ->
extends operator A extends B
switch-when-else switch a <\n> when b then c
throw throw a
new operator new A
semicolons as seq operator a; b
string literals “a”
string hex escapes “\x61” N/A
string character escapes “\n” N/A
string line continuation “<\n>a” N/A
regex literals /a/
do operator do a
slices a[b..c]  a[b…c]
unbounded slices a[b…]  a[..b]
undefined -> void 0 undefined
null literal null
compound assignment a <binary-op>= b
boolean aliases yes/no/on/off N/A N/A
exponential notation 1.2e+4 N/A N/A
bitwise operators &/&#124;/^/~/<</>>/>>>
soaked member access a?.b
dynamic soaked member access a?[b]
binary existential operator a ? b
implicit function application a b, c N/A N/A
proto-member access a::b
dynamic proto-member access a::[b]
@ as alias for this @ N/A
soaked function application a?(b, c)
while loop while a then b
postfix flow control a if b, c until d N/A N/A
inclusive ranges [a..b]
exclusive ranges [a…b]
bound function literals => mostly
object key-omission shorthand {a} N/A
implicit object literals a: b N/A mostly N/A
(splat/rest)-params (a…) ->
@-params (@a) ->
named destructuring assignment {a: b} = c
positional destructuring assignment [a, b] = c
splat/spread arguments fn a…
chained comparison a < b < c
super super
super with arguments super a
external constructors class A then constructor: c N/A
try operator try a
typeof operator typeof a
continue lines ending in binary operator a and <\n> b N/A N/A
backslash continues lines a \ <\n> + b N/A
triple-quoted strings ””“<\n>   a<\n>”“” N/A
heregexen /// a /// N/A
ACI in multiline array/object literals [a<\n>b] N/A mostly
shallow copy of array a[..]
splices a[b..c] = d
unbounded splices a[b…] = c
javascript literals `javascript`
block comments ### comment ###
default parameters (a = b) ->
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