This project controls a single quadcopter simulated in Gazebo. Separate instances can be run in parallel to control multiple quads in a single Gazebo world. I wrote this project as an educational exercise. Currently there is no documentation, no unit tests, and barely an code commenting.
Executable is build/src/cntrl
To run, first start my gazebo_quadcopter_model. Then cntrl
$ cd build/src
$ ./cntrl quad_2292_1 1
$ ./cntrl quad_2292_2 2
$ ./cntrl quad_2292_3 3
Developed using:
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- KDevelop 4
- Gazebo 5
- qgroundcontrol
Depends on:
- MavLink Headers
- BuddyBox
- Ncurses
MavLink code based on BuddyBox is a bit verbose and spews a bunch of text to the terminal screen. Haven't figured out how to quiet it yet.