This tutorial describes the basic approaches for using Font Awesome's icons in Qt Creator. It is aimed towards people that have at least a little experience working with qml. The code examples* below reference the MyApp.qml file in the Font-Awesome-example folder.
*The example app is a simplified version of Esri's ArcGIS AppStudio Font Awesome sample.
Font Awesome is a set of standardized vector icons for use in websites and applications. Using these icons in your application can be a simple way to make it look more professional. They are available in a variety of formats, but for this tutorial we will be making use of the font file format.
- After you have created a new app, browse to the Font Awesome website and download Font Awesome.
Tip: Browse around the website some to see what's available and which font set(s) have the icons you want to use.
- Unzip the file. There will be several folders and files inside.
- Browse to "web-fonts-with-css/webfonts/" folder.
- Copy the True Type Font (.ttf) file(s) for the font set(s) you want to use into your application's 'asset' folder (you may need more thn one).
- Open your application's qml in Qt Creator
- Load the font(s) into your app's content area using the
//line 56 from example qml
FontLoader {
id: faBrands
source: "assets/fa-brands-400.ttf" //"Brands" icon set
FontLoader {
id: faSolid
source: "assets/fa-solid-900.ttf" //"Solid" icon set
- Before beginning, you'll need the character code for the icon(s) you want to use.
- A simple way to get this code is to browse to the icon on the Font Awesome website.
- The code will appear towards the upper left of the page, underneath the character name.
- Use a
class to load the icon - The
property will reference the id for theFontLoader{}
class(es) you created above - The
property will reference the character code you looked up from the website. Note "\u" is prepended to the string. - Set the font size as normal using the
property and a scale factor, if desired. - Set the color using the
property. - Example from qml:
//line 78 from example qml
Text { //from FontLoader id
text: "\uf092" //icon character code
font.pixelSize: 35 *scaleFactor //icon character size
color: "black" //icon character color
- To setup a label for the icon, use an additional
class - Use anchors to place the label in relation to the icon
Tip: use the qsTr()
function to mark a string for localization translation.
- Example from qml:
//line 94 from example qml
//icon (same setup as for single icon)
Text {
id: homeIcon
text: "\uf015"
font.pixelSize: 35 * scaleFactor
color: iconColor
//icon label
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: homeIcon.right
anchors.leftMargin: 8 *scaleFactor
text: qsTr("Home") //the 'qsTr()' function marks a string for localization translation
font.pixelSize: 15 * scaleFactor
color: iconColor
- The icons can be used for buttons as well.
- Use the same format as above, but nest it within a
class. - Exmple:
//line 122 from example qml
Button {
Layout.preferredWidth: 100 * scaleFactor
Layout.preferredHeight: 50 * scaleFactor
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
id: emailIcon
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15 * scaleFactor
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: "\uf0e0"
font.pixelSize: 20 *scaleFactor
color: "green"
Text {
anchors.left: emailIcon.right
anchors.leftMargin: 13 * scaleFactor
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
font.pixelSize: 15 * scaleFactor