Python exercises for modders.
If you want to mod binary data in games with Python, you need to be able to solve these exercises.
This repository is not yet complete.
I will update it gradually with your donations.
There are better languages for binary editing.
But Python is one of the easiest languages.
So, I think it is the best language for beginner modders.
Also, if you learn Python, you will be able to make Blender scripts!
- Finish a Python tutorial somewhere before solving them.
- Use Python3.x. (There are 2 kinds of Python. 2.x and 3.x.)
Each folder has an exercise.
with editor and read comments.
The solution is written in
All exercises are free, but I need donations to continue my activities.
I would appreciate it if you would become a patron from the following page.
MatyaModding is creating Python exercises for modding | Patreon
Thank you.
Thank you all for donations!
- TerryXXX (since Feb 2022)
- Narknon (since Feb 2022)
- Lucas Avila (since Feb 2022)