Some config files for a better Debian experience on the GPD Pocket 2
The .Xresources file lists a "wrong" value for DPI for the P2 screen. The actual value would be something in the area of 300, but for me 162 seems to give a good compromise between readability and screen space.
The Pocket 2 can use 2 different drivers for X: The "old" 'intel' driver or the newer 'modesetting' driver.
The 'intel' driver seens to produce less tearing, but does not seem to allow rotation in the xorg.conf.d/ files. Use either 10-modesetting.conf OR the 10-intel.conf file.
If you use the 10-intel.conf, you will have to rotate the screen manually or some other way.
If you want the screen to be rotated correctly at boot time (for the consoles not X) add "fbcon=rotate:1" in your /etc/default/grub like in the example.