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A free and open source device to measure the td value of your filaments.

The CAD is available in the onshape workspace (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) and the print files can be downloaded from Printables

Comparison to TD-1 by Ajax

TD-Free TD-1
Small Slightly bigger
Cheap More expensive
Only td, no color Measures color and td
WiFi-enabled Only via usb and screen
Open-Source Code Closed source
No license required License needs to be purchased
No integrations available Perfectly integrated into HueForge
CAD available CAD not available
only for checking samples monitor td of spool as it's printing

So, in summary, the Td-Free is cheaper, open-source, smaller and wifi-enabled.

Buy one

Explore my online store where you can buy the PCB or a fully assembled Td-Free.

Make one

Buy only the PCB

If you got the PCB, just print the parts provided at Printables. You have to use black filament for the specifc parts marked as such, but for the others, you can mix and match them! Let's get to the assembly:

  1. Insert the LED module into the position in the case at the bottom. Press it down firmly.
  2. Insert the two black pieces. The one with the channel first, so that the channel is open to the top. Make sure you see the yellow LED module through the hole in the channel!
  3. Now, insert the second black piece with the rectangular cutout as well. Make sure again that the cutout is above the LED hole.
  4. Slide the PCb with the USB-C connector in at an angle and make sure it's fully slid in.
  5. Push the PCb into place and make sure it is really sitting flat. Watch out for the LED cable to not get damaged!
  6. Put the lid on
  7. Done! Measure your Td!

From Scratch

Get the PCB from a manufacturer like JLCPCB, PCBway or whatever. Now, you'll also want to get the following components:

  • VEML7700 (TR or TT is only about the packaging, so choose the cheaper one)
  • WS2812B (In the 5050 variant)
  • ESP32-C3 Supermini (Here from AliExpress)
  • AOSS32334C
  • This LED module Get the Cold White version

Solder all your parts to the PCB. The LED module cables have to solderd from the bottom and should be around 45mm long. Now, follow all the steps from above. For flashing, just follow the instructions to get Esp-rs working and run cargo run --release.

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