Code examples, assignments and solutions for the course CS 20SI: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research (winter 2017).
Detailed syllabus and lecture notes can be found at
- Linear Regression with Chicago's Fire-Theft dataset
- Logistic Regression with MNIST
- Word2vec skip-gram model with NCE loss
- Convnets with MNIST
- Autoencoder (by Nishith Khandwala)
- Deepdream (by Jon Shlens)
- Character-level language modeling
- Style Transfer
- Chatbot using sequence to sequence with attention
- Examples on how to use data readers, TFRecord
- Embedding visualization with TensorBoard
- Usage of summary ops
- Exercises to be familiar with other special TensorFlow ops
- Demonstration of the danger of lazy loading
- Convolutional GRU (CRGU) (by Lukasz Kaiser)