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Releases: maybe-finance/maybe


28 Feb 20:17
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Data resets, offline investment trades, and miscellaneous stability improvements

This release comes with a wide mix of stability improvements and quality of life updates; particularly for self hosted apps, which can now be "reset" in user settings. If your data looks wrong or you want a "clean slate" to work from, we've added the ability for you to easily perform these resets without writing SQL or manually deleting records.

This release also comes with a much clearer UI surrounding the Synth data provider. New self hosted users will now see a prominent warning message if they have missing data as a result of a misconfigured or absent data provider.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3


21 Feb 19:20
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Patch release for git versioning info crash error


21 Feb 17:44
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Maybe Refresh 🎉

This latest version comes with a brand new and simplified UI plus a ton of huge performance improvements on the transactions, dashboard, and accounts pages.

CleanShot 2025-02-21 at 12 39 12

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Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0


17 Jan 22:05
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Budgeting is here!

A long awaited feature, Maybe now supports budgeting! We believe budgeting should be easy and simple. Categorize your transactions, mark transfers, one-time expenses, and get a clear breakdown of where your money is going each month.

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


13 Dec 18:19
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Plaid Integration + Multi-currency Investment Portfolio Support

We have completed the first pass at our fully automated bank syncing with Plaid on our hosted version of the app!

Automated bank syncing is a huge milestone for the app and includes many UI improvements, accuracy improvements, and bug fixes:

  • Editing transactions is now much smoother
  • Account history can be calculated chronologically and reverse-chronologically (required for Plaid accounts)
  • Multi-currency investment accounts are now available
  • Investment accounts now properly calculate "brokerage cash" vs. "holdings value" and break this out clearly in the view
  • Investment accounts calculate cost basis more accurately

CleanShot 2024-12-13 at 12 31 03

Can I self-host Plaid?

As an open-source project, self-hosters are more than welcome to configure (and pay for) their own Plaid accounts. You can see the .env.example file for the required api keys that need to be provided to the app.

That said, due to the complexity around OAuth, Plaid's pricing structure, and costs associated with a personal Plaid subscription, we will not be officially supporting this setup. The hosted version of our app has full Plaid support and is our recommended way to get access to automated bank syncing (more invites coming soon!).

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0


08 Nov 20:03
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v0.2.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

Activity View

Alongside several bug fixes, this pre-release comes with a brand new "Activity View" based on tons of user feedback. This new activity view allows you to see the chronological updates of each account all in one place. In addition, it should how each transaction and balance update affects the overall historical balance on the account. You can see it in action below:

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.0-alpha.1...v0.2.0-alpha.2


25 Oct 13:50
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v0.2.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Improved Account Flows + Onboarding

With this release, we kick off work towards v0.2.0, which will add a basic bank provider integration (Plaid)!

In this release, we've added onboarding to the app so that users can select all of their preferences along with much simpler and intuitive account addition flows.

Here's a quick demo of how easy it is to get started with Maybe!

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0-alpha.1


11 Oct 17:52
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We're live! 🌮 🥳


After hundreds of contributors and hundreds of thousands of lines of code, v0.1.0 is here!

This release comes with a TON of bug fixes and marks the launch of "hosted" Maybe. We've still got a ton of work ahead, but we're excited to release our first production-ready version of Maybe.

We're currently in a private, invite-only alpha. Be sure to join our Discord for announcements when new spots become available!

In this first version, you can:

  • Add all of your accounts
  • Import accounts, transactions, and trades by CSV
  • See your net worth, total spending, and total income
  • Manage transactions (categories, tags, notes)
  • Manage investment portfolios (buys, sells, deposits, withdrawals)

After we incorporate all the feedback coming in, our hosted app will be introducing automated bank syncing!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.18...v0.1.0


04 Oct 19:14
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v0.1.0-alpha.18 Pre-release

CSV Imports

We've made some big updates for the CSV imports feature 🌮 🎉

You can now import transactions, trades, accounts, and even an old Mint export!

Here's a quick demo that shows how it all works:

In addition to the CSV imports, we have several app stability fixes and improvements such as:

  • EUR currencies and dates are now formatted correctly based on user locale
  • The transactions page now has a completed list of filters so you can find your transactions easier

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.17...v0.1.0-alpha.18


13 Sep 21:28
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v0.1.0-alpha.17 Pre-release

Self Hosted Maybe Instances can now block new registrations

This release comes with tons of little UI improvements, bug fixes, and most importantly, the ability to block user registrations on your self hosted Maybe instance! 🎉

Big S/O to @tonyvince for getting this implemented. Here's a quick demo of how you can block signups to your instance with invite codes:

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.16...v0.1.0-alpha.17