Release v1.12
What's Changed
- [#1805] Fix xml error by @pi-sigma in #810
- [#1804] Fix missing category 500 by @pi-sigma in #811
- [#1808] Use long month name in maandspecificatie by @pi-sigma in #812
- 🐛 [#1809] Fix CTA button on product page by @stevenbal in #813
- ✨ [#1789] Add ZaakTypeStatusTypeConfig model by @stevenbal in #803
- Fix process_cases, add default value to getattr by @pi-sigma in #820
- 🐳 Fix NPM install in Docker by @stevenbal in #818
- [#1733] Product sharing X icon by @jiromaykin in #816
- 💄 [#1556] Styling for selects with empty option selected by @stevenbal in #796
- [#1773] Bumped log-outgoing-requests and added setting for deleting logs by @pi-sigma in #797
- 💄 [#1790] Alter empty my cases overview design by @stevenbal in #802
- [Sentry 340365] Forcing housenumbersuffix to string by @alextreme in #808
- ✅ [#1809] Regression test for CTA button on product page by @stevenbal in #817
- ✨ [#1796] Document upload description configurable per statustype by @stevenbal in #814
- [#1788] Refactor case list view by @pi-sigma in #804
- [#1814] Upgraded digid-eherkenning to 0.9 by @pi-sigma in #823
- [#1794] Redesign case detail-page header by @jiromaykin in #824
- ✨ [#1792] Add ZaakTypeResultaatType config by @stevenbal in #826
- 💄 Fix case list styling issues by @stevenbal in #830
- Fixed case filtering in list view and AttributeError in detail view by @pi-sigma in #827
- [#1832] Add breadcrumbs back to case list view by @pi-sigma in #832
- ✨ [#1802] Allow search for cases via searchbar by @stevenbal in #819
- ✅ [#1834] Disable flakey e2e test in firefox by @stevenbal in #834
- [#1808] Use long month name for maandspecificatie PDF by @pi-sigma in #836
- [#1791] Update design for case statuses by @jiromaykin in #821
- [#1827] Show second status for cases by @pi-sigma in #831
- ✨ [#1821] Add visibility flags for Category model by @stevenbal in #835
- 💬 [#1840] Fix translations for hide_categories flag by @stevenbal in #842
- ✨ [#1797] Show filename(s) in success msg for document upload by @stevenbal in #837
- [#1843] Add description field to ZaakTypeStatusTypeConfig by @pi-sigma in #841
- [#1839] Enable/disable notifications per status type by @pi-sigma in #838
- ✨ [#1837] Category visibility for DigiD/eHerkenning by @stevenbal in #844
- [#1829] Make call-to-action action button configurable by @pi-sigma in #829
- 💄 [#1831] Add responsive style for cases in listview by @jiromaykin in #840
- [#1830] Prevent deletion of last website by @pi-sigma in #843
- [#1769] Replace deprecated djchoices with native Django choices by @pi-sigma in #846
- 📌 - build: add (pyenv) .python-version file. by @svenvandescheur in #850
- Issues/2023 11 16 by @svenvandescheur in #849
- ✨ [#1838] Add zaaktypen select widget for Category admin by @stevenbal in #845
- 🔥 [#1852] Remove My categories views by @stevenbal in #847
- [#1856] Integrate KVK API by @pi-sigma in #848
- [#1798] Refactored document list in case detail view by @pi-sigma in #825
- 💄 [#1795] Show selected documents to be uploaded by @jiromaykin in #833
- [#1860] Prefixing subject with "Onderwerp" by @alextreme in #857
- ✨ [#1854] Add company fields to User model by @stevenbal in #852
- [#1795] Add backend support for multiple file upload by @pi-sigma in #855
- Feature/#1824 end date legal label by @svenvandescheur in #860
- ✨ [#1866] Enable category personalization based on KvK number by @stevenbal in #859
- 🎨 [#1822] Final corrections for case pages by @jiromaykin in #856
- ✨ [#1878] Post-login registration form for eHerkenning by @stevenbal in #861
- ⚡ [#1485] Hide extra expiration warning before DigiD session ends by @jiromaykin in #660
- ✨ [#1855] Add mock eHerkenning login by @stevenbal in #854
- ✨ [#1867] Implement Mijn Aanvragen for companies by @stevenbal in #862
- [#1883] Fix override file uploads per status type by @pi-sigma in #865
- [#1706] Redesign personal info page by @pi-sigma in #851
- 💄 [#1881] Add indicator back to document-list by @jiromaykin in #866
- 💄 [#1817] Show errors for selected documents by @jiromaykin in #858
- [#1279] Updating translations for sprint 17 + Mijn Aanvragen sprint by @alextreme in #868
- [#1867] Prevent retrieval of zaken with missing rsin by @pi-sigma in #869
- [#1880] Add scroll-into-view for notifications with content by @jiromaykin in #863
- [#1893] Allowing catalogus to have a rsin=null value by @alextreme in #870
Full Changelog: v1.11...v1.12