What's Changed
- [#2581] Make email notifications optional by @pi-sigma in #1302
- [#2639] Add logic to resolve a ZGWApiGroupConfig from contextual hints by @swrichards in #1322
- Docker / Docker-compose improvements by @joeribekker in #1314
- [#2637] Support import/export of ZaakTypeConfig by @pi-sigma in #1321
- [#2484] case detail pages are multi-zgw-backend-aware by @swrichards in #1323
- Avoid resolving zgw objects in contactmomenten client by @swrichards in #1328
- Disable loading of admin-index fixture in testing by @swrichards in #1330
- [#2640] Use separate field for storing long case result descriptions by @pi-sigma in #1324
- [#2648] handle legacy case detail URLs with redirect by @swrichards in #1333
- [#2657] migrate send_failed_email_digest cron to Celery by @swrichards in #1338
- [#2657] fix incorrect command invocation for failing mail digest task by @swrichards in #1339
- Merge 1.19.0 by @swrichards in #1341
- [#2644] Display related case number in task userfeed by @pi-sigma in #1334
- [#2645] Filter cases by status by @pi-sigma in #1331
- Bump Django to 4.2.15 by @swrichards in #1335
- Bump zgw-consumers to 0.34, install zgw-consumers-oas for tests by @pi-sigma in #1346
- [#2666] Use multiple Zaken API's to filter categories by cases by @pi-sigma in #1343
- [#2261, #2262, #2263] Fix display name in profile by @pi-sigma in #1342
- [#2563] Fix disable setup configuration by @pi-sigma in #1344
- [#2638] Implement choice of zaken notification channel by @pi-sigma in #1336
- Make parameters of LimitedUploadFileField overridable by @swrichards in #1350
- Implement zgw natural key support by @swrichards in #1351
- [#2124] Siteimprove interval pause by @jiromaykin in #1303
- Refactor celery tasks + management commands by @pi-sigma in #1347
- [#2563] Fix enable variables for setup configuration by @pi-sigma in #1349
- Test behavior of case search with multiple results by @swrichards in #1354
- Add a ZGW import/export service by @swrichards in #1353
- Add a ZGW data import/export flow to the admin panel by @swrichards in #1348
- Check for missing ZGW backend config in zgw_import_data command by @swrichards in #1356
- [#2668] Translations sprint 25 by @jiromaykin in #1352
- Fix admin for notification channel choice by @pi-sigma in #1358
- [#2689+2690] Improve help texts for notification settings by @pi-sigma in #1359
- [#1345] add a logging handler for Celery by @swrichards in #1361
- [#2692] Fix daily failed email digest by @pi-sigma in #1363
- [#2230] Add tests for document upload/download with multiple backends by @pi-sigma in #1355
- Remove admin inline CSS overrides by @pi-sigma in #1365
- Sync user's notification preferences from klant upon login by @swrichards in #1364
- Add explanatory note to the ZGW file import admin page by @swrichards in #1367
- Release 1.20.0 by @swrichards in #1366
Full Changelog: v1.19.0...v1.20.0