Releases: maykinmedia/open-inwoner
Release v1.12.7
[#1898] Design profile page improvements
[#1975] Keep previous selection when selecting new files to upload
[#1976] Made exception for non-sticky notifications in document-upload, Ensuring notifications are no longer sticky
[#1969] Incorrect 'url' attribute was used for showing the open submissions
Full Changelog: v1.12.4...v1.12.7
Release v1.12.4
[#1928] Check missing volgnummer for second status preview due to eSuite
[#1895] Make postcode field non-nullable
[#1912] Changed file-list structure and improved responsiveness
[#1963] Sort documents in case detail view
[#1966] Add notify-of-status-change flag to admin
[Sentry 346889] Fixing eSuite fallback and additional logging for determining internal file uploads
[#1991] StatusTypeConfig configuration not refreshing
[#1991] Filtering statustype/resulttype mapping based on zaaktype identificatie to avoid duplicates from the eSuite
[#1991] Fix case status tests for duplicate config eSuite bugfix
[#1972] Remove 'Scroll omlaag' button for previous statusses
[#1974] Removing status listtext from the detailview, as we now have a separate field for that
[#1977] Showing calltoaction statusbutton on the detailview if configured
[#1971] Double-check if our current status is an eindstatus due to eSuite
[#1986] Only showing notifications on Mijn Profiel if the corresponding pages are published
Full Changelog: v1.12.2...v1.12.4
Release v1.12.2
[#1904] Fix Case list crashing due to reused Statustypen
[#1904] Fix tests for Case list duplicate ZaakTypeStatusTypeConfig bug
[#1904] Fix status notification for duplicate configs
[#1922] Setting of headings and correcting classes in profile page
[#1890] Require API root for KvK config
[#1919] Do not show Zaken for Zaaktypes for which fetch fails
[#1941] Fix error on failed status type retrieval
Workaround for non-existant statustypes from eSuite
Full Changelog: v1.12...v1.12.2
Release v1.12
What's Changed
- [#1805] Fix xml error by @pi-sigma in #810
- [#1804] Fix missing category 500 by @pi-sigma in #811
- [#1808] Use long month name in maandspecificatie by @pi-sigma in #812
- 🐛 [#1809] Fix CTA button on product page by @stevenbal in #813
- ✨ [#1789] Add ZaakTypeStatusTypeConfig model by @stevenbal in #803
- Fix process_cases, add default value to getattr by @pi-sigma in #820
- 🐳 Fix NPM install in Docker by @stevenbal in #818
- [#1733] Product sharing X icon by @jiromaykin in #816
- 💄 [#1556] Styling for selects with empty option selected by @stevenbal in #796
- [#1773] Bumped log-outgoing-requests and added setting for deleting logs by @pi-sigma in #797
- 💄 [#1790] Alter empty my cases overview design by @stevenbal in #802
- [Sentry 340365] Forcing housenumbersuffix to string by @alextreme in #808
- ✅ [#1809] Regression test for CTA button on product page by @stevenbal in #817
- ✨ [#1796] Document upload description configurable per statustype by @stevenbal in #814
- [#1788] Refactor case list view by @pi-sigma in #804
- [#1814] Upgraded digid-eherkenning to 0.9 by @pi-sigma in #823
- [#1794] Redesign case detail-page header by @jiromaykin in #824
- ✨ [#1792] Add ZaakTypeResultaatType config by @stevenbal in #826
- 💄 Fix case list styling issues by @stevenbal in #830
- Fixed case filtering in list view and AttributeError in detail view by @pi-sigma in #827
- [#1832] Add breadcrumbs back to case list view by @pi-sigma in #832
- ✨ [#1802] Allow search for cases via searchbar by @stevenbal in #819
- ✅ [#1834] Disable flakey e2e test in firefox by @stevenbal in #834
- [#1808] Use long month name for maandspecificatie PDF by @pi-sigma in #836
- [#1791] Update design for case statuses by @jiromaykin in #821
- [#1827] Show second status for cases by @pi-sigma in #831
- ✨ [#1821] Add visibility flags for Category model by @stevenbal in #835
- 💬 [#1840] Fix translations for hide_categories flag by @stevenbal in #842
- ✨ [#1797] Show filename(s) in success msg for document upload by @stevenbal in #837
- [#1843] Add description field to ZaakTypeStatusTypeConfig by @pi-sigma in #841
- [#1839] Enable/disable notifications per status type by @pi-sigma in #838
- ✨ [#1837] Category visibility for DigiD/eHerkenning by @stevenbal in #844
- [#1829] Make call-to-action action button configurable by @pi-sigma in #829
- 💄 [#1831] Add responsive style for cases in listview by @jiromaykin in #840
- [#1830] Prevent deletion of last website by @pi-sigma in #843
- [#1769] Replace deprecated djchoices with native Django choices by @pi-sigma in #846
- 📌 - build: add (pyenv) .python-version file. by @svenvandescheur in #850
- Issues/2023 11 16 by @svenvandescheur in #849
- ✨ [#1838] Add zaaktypen select widget for Category admin by @stevenbal in #845
- 🔥 [#1852] Remove My categories views by @stevenbal in #847
- [#1856] Integrate KVK API by @pi-sigma in #848
- [#1798] Refactored document list in case detail view by @pi-sigma in #825
- 💄 [#1795] Show selected documents to be uploaded by @jiromaykin in #833
- [#1860] Prefixing subject with "Onderwerp" by @alextreme in #857
- ✨ [#1854] Add company fields to User model by @stevenbal in #852
- [#1795] Add backend support for multiple file upload by @pi-sigma in #855
- Feature/#1824 end date legal label by @svenvandescheur in #860
- ✨ [#1866] Enable category personalization based on KvK number by @stevenbal in #859
- 🎨 [#1822] Final corrections for case pages by @jiromaykin in #856
- ✨ [#1878] Post-login registration form for eHerkenning by @stevenbal in #861
- ⚡ [#1485] Hide extra expiration warning before DigiD session ends by @jiromaykin in #660
- ✨ [#1855] Add mock eHerkenning login by @stevenbal in #854
- ✨ [#1867] Implement Mijn Aanvragen for companies by @stevenbal in #862
- [#1883] Fix override file uploads per status type by @pi-sigma in #865
- [#1706] Redesign personal info page by @pi-sigma in #851
- 💄 [#1881] Add indicator back to document-list by @jiromaykin in #866
- 💄 [#1817] Show errors for selected documents by @jiromaykin in #858
- [#1279] Updating translations for sprint 17 + Mijn Aanvragen sprint by @alextreme in #868
- [#1867] Prevent retrieval of zaken with missing rsin by @pi-sigma in #869
- [#1880] Add scroll-into-view for notifications with content by @jiromaykin in #863
- [#1893] Allowing catalogus to have a rsin=null value by @alextreme in #870
Full Changelog: v1.11...v1.12
Release v1.11
What's Changed
- [#1570] Speed up CI by @pi-sigma in #690
- [#1739] 🐛 Fix infinite loop for search page filters by @jiromaykin in #762
- [#1708] Show search term in search page title by @jiromaykin in #759
- [#1735] Fix cookiebanner position for mobile devices by @jiromaykin in #764
- [#1709] Add info for when there are zero search results by @jiromaykin in #758
- [#1711] [#1710] Make search filters conditional and add mobile toggle by @jiromaykin in #763
- [#1756] Make video iFrames responsive by @jiromaykin in #776
- [#1732] Make password-reset subject translatable by @jiromaykin in #771
- 📝 Add install instructions for ElasticSearch by @stevenbal in #781
- [#1749] Changed search to always show facet checkboxes, including non-matching choices by @Bartvaderkin in #778
- [#1744] Added timeouts to requests by @pi-sigma in #777
- [#1713, #1714] Added basic video model, player & cms-plugin by @Bartvaderkin in #773
- [#1705] Changed profile PDF export to not show headers of empty sections by @Bartvaderkin in #770
- [#1701] Changed User.get_full_name() to prefer .display_name over .first_name by @Bartvaderkin in #769
- [#1703] Hidden BRP country from My Data table when not set by @Bartvaderkin in #768
- [#1696] Added registration_text to SiteConfiguration and registration_necessary page by @Bartvaderkin in #767
- [#1707] Remove double search bar from search page by @jiromaykin in #756
- Resolved migrations conflict by @pi-sigma in #792
- [#1715] Added management command to delete expired contact invitations by @pi-sigma in #787
- [#1779] Fix alignment of search results by @jiromaykin in #794
- [#1567] Modified contact-forms to send new
field to e-Suite by @Bartvaderkin in #788 - [#1761] Make sidebar anchor headings consistent by @jiromaykin in #784
- [#1740] Removed old data migration tests by @pi-sigma in #775
- ✅ [#1640] Add playwright tests for cookie banner by @stevenbal in #772
- [#1656] Added CKEditor widget to category description field by @pi-sigma in #789
- [#1763] Change texts and table for profile page by @jiromaykin in #790
- [#1754] Style icon in warning-banner by @jiromaykin in #798
- [#1748] Add option to make product-detail content collapse by @jiromaykin in #785
- [#1632, #1734, #1759] Refactored Haalcentraal BRP code, separated API versioned code, fixed original field display issue by @Bartvaderkin in #786
- ✨ [#1733] Add share on social media buttons for products by @stevenbal in #782
- [#1692, #1693, #1694, #1751] Refactored SSD to support multiple reports by @pi-sigma in #766
- ✨ [#1750] Add meta tags for social media sharing by @stevenbal in #783
- [#1752] Updating translations by @jiromaykin in #800
New Contributors
- @stevenbal made their first contribution in #781
Full Changelog: v1.10...v1.11
Release v1.10
What's Changed
- [#1492] Capture django-cms menu output and re-use for menu-indicators issue by @Bartvaderkin in #744
- [#1675] Added extra_css field to SiteConfiguration and master template by @Bartvaderkin in #740
- 💄 [#1492] Adding notification dot in login menu by @jiromaykin in #739
- [#1590] Added ZGW notification send frequency limit by @Bartvaderkin in #753
- 💄 [#1690] Aligned authenticated- and login nav buttons by @jiromaykin in #747
- 💄 [#1697] Hiding menu-button on mobile if Onderwerpen is hidden by @jiromaykin in #750
- [#1647] Add configurable warning banner by @pi-sigma in #728
- [#1535] Added subheading anchors to product page sidebar by @pi-sigma in #724
- [#1339] Improve translations and admin by @jiromaykin in #754
- 💄 [#1688] Changing primary color into secondary for text-links by @jiromaykin in #749
- [#1624] Escape html of product content field by @pi-sigma in #718
- [#1661] Changed footer to use static placeholders by @Bartvaderkin in #731
- [#1717] Make warningbanner not overlap opened mobile menu by @jiromaykin in #755
- [#1672] Reworked auth backends, contacts to support non-unique (digid) emails by @Bartvaderkin in #760
- [#1672] Enabled non-unique emails for digid users by @pi-sigma in #736
- [#1427] Implemented OpenZaak status translation by @Bartvaderkin in #748
Full Changelog: v1.9.5...v1.10
What's Changed
- [#1642] Fix SSD by @pi-sigma in #722
- [#1638] fix template for creating/editing actions by @pi-sigma in #725
- Upgrade django-log-outgoing-requests to 0.4.0 by @pi-sigma in #723
- [#1655] Fix SSD by @pi-sigma in #726
- Upgrading django-log-outgoing-requests to 0.5.0 by @alextreme in #733
- clean up implementation of ssd by @pi-sigma in #729
- [#1657] add options to hide categories and search from anonymous users by @pi-sigma in #732
- 🎨 [#1617] Fixing labels for correct HTML syntax by @jiromaykin in #716
- 💄 [#1678] Correcting skipping behaviour of mobile login icon by @jiromaykin in #738
- [#1645] improve design of product page by @pi-sigma in #730
- [#1686] rename template variable by @pi-sigma in #741
- [#1536] Refactored Haalcentraal to use a dataclass and update to 2.0-final by @Bartvaderkin in #727
- 💄 [#1677] Making cookiebanner margins and modal same on mobile by @jiromaykin in #737
- [#1669] fix data type in in xml parsing by @pi-sigma in #734
- 💄 [#1649] Improving spinner styling by @jiromaykin in #735
- fix missing template by @pi-sigma in #743
- rename variable in test by @pi-sigma in #742
Full Changelog: v1.9...v1.9.5
What's Changed
- Upgrading django-log-outgoing-requests to 0.5.0 by @alextreme in #733
- clean up implementation of ssd by @pi-sigma in #729
- [#1657] add options to hide categories and search from anonymous users by @pi-sigma in #732
- 🎨 [#1617] Fixing labels for correct HTML syntax by @jiromaykin in #716
- 💄 [#1678] Correcting skipping behaviour of mobile login icon by @jiromaykin in #738
- [#1645] improve design of product page by @pi-sigma in #730
- [#1686] rename template variable by @pi-sigma in #741
- [#1536] Refactored Haalcentraal to use a dataclass and update to 2.0-final by @Bartvaderkin in #727
- 💄 [#1677] Making cookiebanner margins and modal same on mobile by @jiromaykin in #737
- [#1669] fix data type in in xml parsing by @pi-sigma in #734
- 💄 [#1649] Improving spinner styling by @jiromaykin in #735
Full Changelog: v1.9.2...v1.9.3
Release v1.9
What's Changed
- Dropped multi_browser playwright testcase-generator decorator by @Bartvaderkin in #694
- [#1478] Update communication preferences by @pi-sigma in #680
- 🎨 [#1239] Making grey divider line conditional for product page by @jiromaykin in #677
- [#1460] refactor Single Sign On by @pi-sigma in #674
- Fixed lingering problem in tests after merges of conflicting branches by @Bartvaderkin in #701
- [#1571] Ensuring DigiD adminconfig doesn't throw a 500 when mock is enabled by @alextreme in #698
- [#1566] Add email registration to case detail contact form by @vaszig in #700
- [#1558] Add phonenumber validation by @vaszig in #695
- [#1602] Disabling uploads on closed cases by @alextreme in #706
- ♿ [#1613] Increasing color contrast in footer + scrollbutton by @jiromaykin in #707
- ♿ [#1608] Setting up focus trap for accordion and mobile menu by @jiromaykin in #708
- 💄 [#1594] Improving onderwerp selection and dropdowns by @jiromaykin in #705
- 💄 [#1574] Create tab panel template by @jiromaykin in #703
- ♿ [#1598] Improving accessibility relational information by @jiromaykin in #712
- [#1561] make admin session cookie age configurable by @pi-sigma in #711
- ♿ [#1597] Fixing a11y tags for non-textual content by @jiromaykin in #713
- ♿ [#1611] Improving robust mobile menus with aria-expanded by @jiromaykin in #714
- [#1526] Renaming 'open aanvragen' to 'openstaande aanvragen' by @alextreme in #717
- ✨ [#1537] Adding cookie-consent banner by @jiromaykin in #681
- [#1534] Implement download of monthly + yearly benefits reports by @pi-sigma in #710
- ♿ [#1604] Making thumbs-up inputs tabbable by @jiromaykin in #709
- Updating translations by @alextreme in #719
Full Changelog: v1.8.3...v1.9