Demo based on JBoss BPM Suite product.
Clone project.
Add products to installs directory.
Run ''.
Login to http://localhost:8080/business-central (u:erics / p:bpmsuite).
Enjoy JBoss BPM Suite!
The project is NOT installed into the JBoss BPM Suite GUI, this is a JBoss Developer Studio developer based demo. It shows how a project looks, feels, and can be unit tested as a developer would work with this type of project.
Install JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) if needed from Customer Portal.
Import a new maven project in JBDS, select projects/customer-evaluation-demo directory.
Examine the project files; a model, a rule file, a bpmn2 process file, and the unit test file.
Run unit test, see output in console and JUnit tab.
Can also run 'mvn test' in projects/customer-evaluation-demo directory to see unit tests (4x).
See the tagged releases for the following versions of the product:
- v0.1 with JBoss EAP 6.1, JBoss BPM Suite 6, and migrated JBDS project from BRMS 5.3.