Running this application can occur in one of a few ways:
- Laravel Herd
- This is my preferred method for running Laravel sites locally as everything is provided out of the box
- An existing Docker environment providing MySQL/MariaDB, PHP and Nginx or Apache.
- PHPs built in webserver using
php artisan serve
- This requires PHP and Composer to be installed in the local environment. This should not be used for production.
To run this application locally, the repository should be cloned to an appropriate folder for environment, and the following commands should be run:
composer install
npm install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
At this point, you should configure your database, and other appropriate environment variables in the .env files as necessary
php artisan migrate
php artisan app:get-pinboard-data
npm run dev
This will trigger the build or the Vue frontend with Vite and will provide you a network address to access the application