Purpose: This is a personal project I made for the thousands of roms I have on my computer. This program will pick a random rom inside a specific directory, and execute the rom. Currently this supports Genesis files(.gen,.32x), Gameboy/Color/Advance(.gba,.gb,.gbc,.mb), Nintendo 64(.v64,.z64), NES(.nes,.unf), SNES(.smc), and GameGear(.gg).
Inorder for this program to work on your system you must first:
- Set up each ROM so it will open the appropriate emulator.
- Change the "path" string in "RecursTest.java" to the directory of your ROM directory
- Your ROM directory includes at least 1 of the supported file type(seen under purpose).
- Simple GUI with randomize button.
- Ability to select directory within the program.
- Support other ROM files.
- Improve efficiency and speed.
- Linux/Mac support.
- Emulator and Rom association within program.