: /etc/default/grub
VS Code
: ~/.config/Code
: ~
- DPI settings for i3
- Attempted URxvt setup, although I don't use that anymore
: ~
: ~
- Setup wal for each new terminal
- Assign aliases
: ~/.bin/scripts
: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
- Default x settings. It's all very confusing, but I have it
- Currently just libinput changes to get gnome-like touchpad
- Uncertain of numbers, but libinput is 40 so I put touchpad one higher
- Since my XPS 13 has issues with power draw during suspend, these are the settings that I changed to make it work as expected again. They are the recommended changes by powertop, and I'm going to try all of them to see if I can get the power drain to be a little better. If I keep having issues, I can always change the sleep state from P2 to P3.
Location: ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme