This package contains sdf files used for (graphical) simulation of the AUV using the ignition gazebo simulator. It also contains the models/environments that are used in the simulation.
The propulsion package has been tested under ROS Noetic for Ubuntu 20.04.
The source code is released under a GPLv3 license.
Run gazebo simulation of quali task with Clarke AUV
cd <AUV-202?>/catkin_ws/src
roslaunch auv-sim-gazebo qualifying.sdf
In the GUI, you should see a pole, gate and AUV models. Click the play button in the bottom left to run/pause the simulation. In a new tab you can publish commands to the model through the command line.
The numbering of thrusters is according to the following image:
Control the thruster 0 of Clarke to make it go forward/backwards:
ign topic -t /model/clarke/joint/thruster0_joint/cmd_pos -m ignition.msgs.Double -p 'data: 31'
After fresh installation, trying to run gazebo (as below) may result in an error containing:
Unable to create the rendering window: OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): OpenGL 3.3 is not supported.
It seems Ignition Fortress is using ogre (rendering engine) which requires OpenGL > 3.3, see forum post.
Run the simulation using an older version of the rendering engine (Ogre1) that uses an older version of the OpenGL standard, this can be forced at the command line, though some assets may not be rendered correctly:
ign gazebo quali.sdf --render-engine ogre
OpenGL is not a program, it is a standard that the CPU uses to give graphics-related commands to the GPU. We require the implementation of the OpenGL 3.3 standard - the actual implementation of this standard is likely done by the manufacturers of our GPU card as part of their operating-system compatible GPU drivers. To see the current OpenGL version supported by your GPU drivers (may need to install mesa-utils first):
glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"
To find out your GPU card model:
sudo lshw -c video
Do some research to try and find drivers for your graphics card, often the latest drivers using OpenGL > 3.3 are provided via PPA - to fix this issue on the MEDN-WS1 desktop, the following was done:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Note: as stated in the message when adding the PPA, you should install ppa-purge and downgrade all PPA packages prior to upgrading to a new release (ie. Ubuntu 20.04 -> Ubuntu 22.04). Example for the PPA used on MEDN-WS1:
sudo ppa-purge -d focal ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa