This calculator outputs risk-neutral probabilities of default for any entity quoted on the stock market provided that it is also possible to access data on its short-term liabilities or any other default threshold.
To install run the following command which will pull and install the latest commit from this repository, along with its Python dependencies:
pip install git+
Add the following line to your .py script:
import merton_pds.merton_pds as pds
Python Usage Example:
import merton_pds.merton_pds as pds
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_excel(wc + '\data.xlsx',index_col=0)
rate = 0.05
output = pds.merton_pds(df.iloc[:,0].values*10**6, df.iloc[:,1].values*10**3, rate)
pds = pd.DataFrame(output[0], df.index)
- Equity: Market value of the firm's equity.
- Liabilities: Liability threshold of the firm.
- Rate: Risk-free interest rate
- **kwargs:
- 'Maturity': default is 1, should be consistent with implied assumption on maturity of default threshold (liabilities)
- 'Drift': default is 'rate'
- 'NumPeriods': typically number of trading periods in a year. default 255
- 'Tolerance': Used by the Solver. default is 1e-6)
- 'MaxIterations' Used by the Solver. default is 500
This program calculates Probabilities of Default for a a set of N firms across a number of time periods T.
The market value of the firm’s underlying assets
If X is the book value, then
where Ve is the market value of the firm’s equity, and
- This can be done for any quoted firm. As an example this code draws on a random set of US banks. Data sourced from Datastream.
- Default threshold defined as current liabilities (short-term debt plus current portion of long-term debt) (see References).
[1] Gray, D. F., Merton, R. C., and Bodie, Z. (2007). Framework for Measuring and Managing Macrofinancial Risk and Financial. NBER Working Paper Series, pages 1{32}.
[2] Gupton, G. M., Finger, C. C., and Bhatia, M. (2007). CreditMetrics - Technical Document.
[3] Crosbie,P.J. and Bohn,J.R. (2003) "Modeling Default Risk", available online:
[4] Herculano, C. M. (2020) "Systemic Risk and the Macroeconomy", PhD thesis University of Glasgow.