PGPClient is an email client that secures all emails based on Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) specification. It uses 1024-bit RSA encryption and 138-bit AES encryption. As for connection, it uses SMTP for outbound connection and POP3S for inbound connection.
- Michael Dandy
- Corin Dwyer
- Diana Lim
- Jack Scisco
1.1 User Login
1.2 Exchange Settings
2.1 General
2.2 Key Management
2.3 Key Store
Email Client
Settings contain basic information about Exchange Account credentials (username and password) and Exchange Account connection settings.
1.1 User Login
In order to receive and send email, a valid Exchange Account credentials have to be provided.
1.2 Exchange Settings
You can configure your Exchange Account here. Currently, PGPClient only supports GMail Account.
Crypto-Config contains basic information about Key Store. It also provides a service to generate a pair of RSA keys.
2.1 General
Key Directory serves as ROOT directory of the Key Store. Private Key setting will determine which key that will be used to decrypt and sign an email.
2.2 Key Management
Key Management provides a service to generate a pair of RSA keys.
Both private and public key will be written into two separate
files, specified in the General setting. The public key will have
Passphrase has to be provided in order for AES encryption to work properly.
2.3 Key Store
Key Store lists all public keys that are registered to PGPClient. To add a new public key, a username (email address) and public key file must be provided.
Get new messages
Retrieve all new messages from the Exchange Account Server. List of messages will be displayed on the right Navigation Panel.
Compose new message
Create a new message.
Reply to sender of selected message
Reply the selected message.
Forward selected message
Forward the selected message.
Delete selected message
Due to limitation of POP3, this function has not been implemented yet.