Real time Transpiler for Electron Apps file-based
This is a BETA version, recently is more stable, but you may can found bugs, if you found any bug and/or you want to say how to fix something, you can go to to contribute me and community! (:
- Watch all files in specified directory (react sources)
- Detect changes in files for transpile with Babel (and more things) to reload the App
- File Based, no server, no web pack. Just babel transpiler
- The imports ES6 are transpiled to require functions
You need work with .jsx files and tell to package where is the folder with all sources to be transpiled, something like that:
^ ^ ^ Example of the structure of your app
In your electron.js file you have a basic Electron Application:
./src/electron.js :
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require("electron");
const path = require("path");
let win;
function createWindow() {
win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true, // very important !!
win.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, "./index.html"));
win.on("close", (_) => (win = null));
app.on("ready", createWindow);
app.on("activate", !win ? createWindow : undefined);
app.on("window-all-closed", app.quit);
That will create a window and shows the html file, but it's very important if the window can use node integration
Then, in your HTML file specify where are the app files (in the example is "./react-app"), Also you need tell about where is your entry point file
require("electron-jsx")(__dirname, {
reactDir: "./react-app",
<script react-src="./react-app/index.jsx">
Install the packages:
npm init
npm install --global electron
npm install react react-dom electron-jsx
Then, run the command:
electron ./src/electron.js
You should automatically see a react-builds folder with all your files transpiled inside And if all its ok, you can see the react app in the electron window... (Be patient, things don't always work out the first time)
- Hot Loading
- Error handling
- Fixed bugs in listeners of directories
- Fixed bugs about imports more than one stylesheet
- Fixed other bugs
- I not recommend use stylesheet files, instead of that stylesheets with libraries like Material-UI is prefered. You can use your own stylesheets, but may you will see any bugs with the transpiler/stylesheet
If you detect more issues, please tell about that in the github repository !
I hope I have helped someone 😊