A run daemon will be automatically started. However it will fail if you don't run awsiot.init first and create cloud credentials.
This daemon will listen on a local MQTT server on topic cloud/aws/out/# [where # is a wildcard for any other topics]. If a message is received then it will send it to the AWS cloud to the same topic, e.g. cloud/aws/out/my/data/stream.
The same is try for the reverse. If send from cloud/aws/in/# then it will be send to the local MQTT server.
To set up, run one time: sudo /snap/bin/awsiot.init
Afterwards restart the service via: sudo snap disable awsiot sudo snap enable awsiot
This will create a $SNAP_COMMON/awscerts directory. Create an AWS policy, thing and certificates for this device.
Your device will automatically get a random 8 character thing name. You can find in the $SNAP_COMMON/awscerts directory: the certificate: certificate.crt the private key: private.key the public key: public.key the root CA: rootca.pem the iot configuration: awsiot.json the aws credentials: awskeys.json