yarn add @mediafellows/mfx-ui-config
- install & configure https://github.com/dbldots/scrambler
this should be run very often, at least before
- every deploy
- before you first run a build, e.g. development server
to update to the latest config
// NOT @mediafellows/mfx-ui-config!
// (as this contains the encrypted values only)
import config from 'mfx-ui-config'
import config from 'mfx-ui-config'
const envConfig = config.env(<YOUR-ENV-HERE>)
const projectConfig = envConfig.fetch(`repos.mfx-ui-tf1int.projects.tf1int`)
const awsProfile = envConfig.fetch('aws_profile')
For modifying the config file you need to install scramber to decrypt encrypted sections. Then edit the index.js file.
Also it's good to check syntax after editing using the yarn test
task that validates the index.js file.