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elm-css lets you define CSS in Elm. (For an Elm styling system that is a complete departure from CSS, check out Elm-UI.)

Here's an example of how to define some elm-css styles:

module MyCss exposing (main)

import Css exposing (..)
import Html
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src)
import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick)

{-| A logo image, with inline styles that change on hover.
logo : Html msg
logo =
        [ src "logo.png"
        , css
            [ display inlineBlock
            , padding (px 20)
            , border3 (px 5) solid (rgb 120 120 120)
            , hover
                [ borderColor theme.primary
                , borderRadius (px 10)

{-| A plain old record holding a couple of theme colors.
theme : { secondary : Color, primary : Color }
theme =
    { primary = hex "55af6a"
    , secondary = rgb 250 240 230

{-| A reusable button which has some styles pre-applied to it.
btn : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
btn =
    styled button
        [ margin (px 12)
        , color (rgb 250 250 250)
        , hover
            [ backgroundColor theme.primary
            , textDecoration underline

{-| A reusable style. Css.batch combines multiple styles into one, much
like mixins in CSS preprocessors.
paragraphFont : Style
paragraphFont =
        [ fontFamilies [ "Palatino Linotype", "Georgia", "serif" ]
        , fontSize (px 16)
        , fontWeight normal

{-| lets you define custom properties, using strings as their values.
legacyBorderRadius : String -> Style
legacyBorderRadius amount =
        [ property "-moz-border-radius" amount
        , property "-webkit-border-top-left-radius" amount
        , property "-webkit-border-top-right-radius" amount
        , property "-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius" amount
        , property "-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius" amount
        , property "border-radius" amount

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    nav []
        [ img [ src "assets/backdrop.jpg", css [ width (pct 100) ] ] []
        , btn [ onClick DoSomething ] [ text "Click me!" ]

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
        { view = view >> toUnstyled
        , update = update
        , model = initialModel

See the Css module documentation for an explanation of how this code works.

elm-css draws inspiration from the excellent Sass, Stylus, CSS Modules, and styled-components libraries. It includes features like:


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