Installs and configures logrotate (adds files to /etc/logrotate.d/
This role is somehat opinionated to make the list of parameters more concise. It uses a bunch of good practise flags you commonly won't want to override (compress, copytruncate etc.). It also has some fallback settings if you don't want to define each log file settings seperately, those can be overriden though. See below.
No additional requirements. Meant to be run against an Ubuntu machine, might also work for other Debian flavors.
The role add configuration for all files specified in a list of dictionaries. Like this:
- { name: my_app, path: /path/to/log/file.log }
Unless specified in file list it will use the global variables for logrotate settings:
logrotate_interval: weekly
logrotate_max_size: 100M
logrotate_max_files: 8
Which you can set to your liking too by just overriding them in your playbook, or by adding file specific params like this:
- { name: my_app, path: /my/file.log, interval: daily, max_size: 50M, max_files: 2 }
Those variables have precendence over the global ones.
Depends on no other Ansible roles.
This is an example on how you can include this role into your playbook:
- name: My playbook
hosts: servers
- { name: webapp1, path: /opt/webapps/my_webapp_1/logs/production.log }
- { name: webapp2, path: /opt/webapps/my_webapp_2/logs/production.log }
logrotate_max_size: 50M
logrotate_max_files: 7
- mediapeers.logrotate
Assuming you pulled the role into your projects role dir (like roles/mediapeers.logrotate
BSD, as-is.
Stefan Horning for