Greeno is a great optimal solution from two different sides:
- it gives you the oppurtinity to contribute with your suggestion and idea about recycling so all people can use your knowledge in a good way
- you have the chance also to sell your extra items instead of throughing them out
- all the information in this app will be provided from people to people so don't worry all of them are practical. no theories here.
- Greeno is extention for ReduceRuseRecycle project, so we added new feature to this project which are :-
- User has two options when wanna sign up
- The first one is to regist as a normal user, so he can only see the stuff and take it as free or buy it.
- The seconed one is sign up as supplier, so he can add some stuff to sell it.
- we have two pages Paid-products and Free-products
- user can add his location and his product image
- User has two options when wanna sign up
- The idea from this project, that we take from other group project and try to modify and add new feature to it.
- Product Owner: Wa'ed Alshiyyab
- Scrum Master: Hanan Nouman
- Development Team Members: Lena Salamat Yussur Alani
- Product Owner: Shatha
- Scrum Master: Qays
- Team Member: Abdulhameed
- Team Member: Abdullatif
- React JS for web development
- Node/Express
- MongoDB
- Heroku
Frontend for the website Go to the project repo and run
npm run react-dev
Frontend for the mobile app Go to reactNative folder in the project repo and run
npm run start
MongoDB Go to the project repo and run
Node.js/Express server Go to the project repo and run `npm run server-dev
- See our website here