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Quality Control Allowlist of Dependencies

Note: This repository is not versioned. The master branch is consumed by default, so whenever the master branch changes, all repositories will immediately start consuming the new changes.

If you need to add or update a library, please visit the Wiki.

Android & KMP Dependencies

Android allowlist dependencies consist of a set of libraries that are available for front-ends and low-level repositories to consume from the MercadoLibre-mobile group. Your Frontend should not be declared here nor consumed by any other FEnd.

These dependencies are defined in JSON format, and the root-level property is called whitelist.

Each dependency is a JSON object that will be matched against the unresolved dependencies of the repository. Repository dependencies will be strings in the format group:name:version. The allowlist fields SUPPORT regex expressions, so you can define matching cases for groups in single strings.

Field Description Criticity
description Description of the dependencie. OPTIONAL
expires This date will mark the dependency as expired, rendering it no longer usable and soon to be automatically removed from the list. Format: yyyy-MM-dd. If no field is added, the dependency is considered non-expirable. OPTIONAL
group This is the group of the dependency to be added. MANDATORY
name This is the name of the module within the dependency that will be added. MANDATORY
version This will be the version of the dependency that will be used. MANDATORY

Important Considerations:

  • Each dependency is a JSON object that will be matched against the unresolved dependencies of the repository. Repository dependencies will be strings in the format group:name:version. The allowlist fields SUPPORT regex expressions, so you can define matching cases for groups in single strings.
  • Remember these are regexes, so if you want to declare com.example, you should write it as com\\.example.
  • Validation is done against unresolved dependencies. If you declare a version as 4\\.\\+, it will match with 4.+ (but not strings like 4.2.3).
  • The expires field is optional. If no field is added, the dependency is considered non-expirable.
    • Warning: Expiring dependencies on Wednesdays or Thursdays will fail CI, as they are too close to release trains and may cause unforeseen issues.
  • All dependencies and fields are sorted.
  "whitelist": [
      "description": "(optional) description",
      "expires": "yyyy-MM-dd",
      "group": "regex_group",
      "name": "regex_name",
      "version": "regex_version"

How to test Locally (Android):

If you want to verify that your changes work correctly from your fork, simply add this line to your /<MODULE-NAME>/build.gradle:

ext["allowlistURL"] = ""
iOS Dependencies

iOS allowlist dependencies consist of a set of libraries that are available for front-ends and low-level repositories to consume from the MercadoLibre-mobile group. Your Frontend should not be declared here nor consumed by any other FEnd.

These dependencies are defined in JSON format, and the root-level property is called whitelist.

Property Description Criticity
description Some relevant description OPTIONAL
expires This date will mark the dependency as expired, rendering it no longer usable and soon to be automatically removed from the list. Format: yyyy-MM-dd. If no field is added, the dependency is considered non-expirable. OPTIONAL
name Dependency Podname MANDATORY
source Keyword that indicates the source where the dependency spec should be downloaded. (public or private) MANDATORY
target Indicates if it is a test or productive dependency. (test or productive) MANDATORY
version Which will be matched against each of the dependencies in the podspec. The version string SUPPORTS regex expression. If the dependency is a Catalog this field is not Mandatory MANDATORY


  "whitelist": [
      "description": "# This will match with 'MeliSDK' and version '~>5.+' (version must have ~>5.x)",
      "name": "MeliSDK",
      "version": "^~>5.[0-9]+$"
Support for Granular Dependencies

This functionality provides a more precise management of the scope of dependencies, giving us the ability to select specific consumers for each of them.

To activate the granularity feature, it is necessary to introduce a new block within the dependency definition, specifying which Mercado Libre projects will have access to it. This should be done as follows:

Android Platform

There are two types of granularity:

Property Description Example
GroupId You specify the group id of the project that will have access to the dependency.
GroupId:name You specify the group id and the name of the project that will have access to the dependency.
  "whitelist": [
      "allows_granular_projects": [ 
            ""  # Example of a Mercado Libre Dependency Group.
            ""  # Example of a module in a Mercado Libre Dependency Group.
      "description": "(optional) description",
      "expires": "yyyy-MM-dd",
      "group": "group_regex",
      "name": "name_regex",
      "version": "version_regex"

iOS Platform

Property Description Example
GroupId You specify the group id of the project that will have access to the dependency. MLRecommendations
  "whitelist": [
      "allows_granular_projects": [
        "MLRecommendations"  # Example of a Mercado Libre Dependency Lib Name.
      "name": "MeliSDK",
      "version": "^~>5.[0-9]+$"
Support for Transitive Dependencies - For Android & KMP

This functionality provides more precise control over how transitive dependencies can be excluded from projects, allowing specific consumers to be selected for each one.

Blocking Transitive Dependencies:

To activate this feature, introduce a new block within the dependency definition with two keys:

Property Description Example
namespace For non-transitive dependencies, you must specify the namespace. "namespace": ""
transitivity By default, all dependencies are transitive. To specify otherwise, set it to false. "transitivity": "false"


Android Platform

  "whitelist": [
      "group": "com\\.squareup\\.retrofit2",
      "name": "adapter-rxjava2",
      "version": "2\\.6\\.4",
          "namespace": "retrofit2",
          "transitivity": false

If declared non-transitive dependency imports are found in your code, our plugin will block the build, preventing the lintAndroid() task from completing successfully in CI or locally.

Libreria FrontEnd x Cross

In the Allowslist we only add cross libraries. At Meli we consider a library to be cross when it can be used in one or more libraries. If the library is added only and directly to the applications, we call it a frontend lib. To prevent a frontend lib from being added as a dependency of other libs, they should not be added to the allowlist

Basic Continuous Integration (CI) Checks!!

We have some basic checks placed in our CI to ensure that the allowlist is being used correctly. The checks can be found here but basically, we are validating the following:

  1. JSON Linter:
    • Uses the cmd jsonlint <allowlist_file> to check if the JSON file is well-formed.
    • you can install it from here
  2. JSON Sorter Lint:
    • Uses the cmd jsonsort <allowlist_file> --arrays to ensure the content of the JSON file is properly sorted, including arrays.
    • you can install it from here
  3. Expiration Date Validator:
    • Verify that the expiration dates in the JSON file are in the correct format (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • Verify that the expiration date isn't a Wednesdays or Thursdays.
  4. Key Names Validator:
    • Verify that your are using the proper key names in the JSON file.
  5. Version Pattern Validator:
    • Verify that we aren't using dynamic versions for external libs and dynamic versioning for internal libs (Meli).
      • Android
        • External: version: 1\\.0\\.1
        • Internal: version: 1\\.+
      • iOS
        • External: version: 1.0.1
        • Internal: version: ^~>1.[0-9]+$

Some other checks could be performed, check the CI Error for more information.