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Intelligent Question Paper Search
Website · Report Bug / Request Feature · Backend Documentation

Table of Contents

About The Project


IQPS is a platform for searching and uploading previous year question papers for IIT Kharagpur students. The frontend is deployed at and the backend is hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet with 2GB RAM and a single CPU. See MetaPloy for the deployment architecture. IQPS was originally created by Shubham Mishra in python. You can find it here.


Currently in active development. Get involved at our Slack.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. For starting the backend:
    • Change directory to backend cd backend
    • Make the env file by copying the template: cp .env.template .env
    • Fill the env variables and set DB_HOST=localhost for running locally for development (see Environment Variables). Make sure to create corresponding folders for STATIC_FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION, UPLOADED_QPS_PATH, and LIBRARY_QPS_PATH.
    • Set up the database (see Database)
    • Start the Rust backend by running cargo run .
  3. Set up the frontend by running pnpm install and then pnpm start in the frontend/ directory.
  4. (Optional) Set up an http file server for serving static files from the STATIC_FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION directory. (eg: python3 -m http.server 8081) The host of this server should be set in the .env file as STATIC_FILES_URL.
  5. Profit.


To initialise the database for the first time:

  1. Set environment variables for Postgres in the .env file.
  2. Start the database by running docker compose -f up -d.
  3. Initialise the database:
    • Open a shell in the docker container by running docker compose -f exec database-dev bash.
    • Connect to the database by running psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB.
    • Run the queries in INIT_DB in backend/src/db/ to initialise the database.

To run the pre-initialised database:

  1. Start the database by running docker compose -f up -d.

For Production:

  1. Set environment variables for Postgres in the .env file.
  2. Start the database by running docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d.
  3. Initialise the database:
    • Open a shell in the docker container by running docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml exec iqps-backend bash.
    • Connect to the database by running psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB.
    • Run the queries in INIT_DB in backend/src/db/ to initialise the database.


IQPS uses GitHub OAuth for authentication to the /admin page. To set up authentication:

  1. Create a new OAuth app on GitHub.
    • Go to and create a new OAuth app.
    • Set the Homepage URL to http://localhost:5173 and Authorization callback URL to http://localhost:5173/oauth.
    • Once created, generate a client secret. Copy the client ID and secret into the .env file.
  2. Set the Authentication environment variables in the .env file.

For Production:

  1. Create a new OAuth app on GitHub. (Should be from the same GitHub account as the organization)
    • Go to and create a new OAuth app.
    • Set the Homepage URL to <prod-url> and Authorization callback URL to <prod-url>/oauth.
    • Once created, generate a client secret. Add the client ID and secret to environment variables.
  2. Set the Authentication environment variables.

OAuth Flow

On visiting /admin, if the user is not logged in, they get redirected to the GitHub OAuth page. After the user logs in, GitHub redirects them back to our /oauth endpoint with a code. The backend then uses this code to fetch an access token and username. The username is then checked against the allowed admins. If so, a JWT token is generated with the user's username and sent back to the frontend. The frontend then stores this token in local storage and sends it with every request to the backend. The backend verifies this token and allows access to admin functions.

A user is considered as an admin if they are a part of the team GH_ORG_TEAM_SLUG in GH_ORG_NAME, or if their username is in the GH_ADMIN_USERNAMES list.


  1. Change directory to crawler/ and run go mod tidy.
  2. Run the crawler by running go run crawler.go. (Make sure you are connected to the campus network)
  3. This will generate a qp.tar.gz file. Transfer this file to the server's backend/ folder.
  4. In the backend, run cargo run --bin import-papers to import the data into the database. (Make sure the database is set up and running)



  1. Set up MetaPloy for production.
  2. Clone this repository at a convenient location such as /deployments.
  3. cd backend/
  4. Set the appropriate production environment variables in the .env file.
  5. Run docker compose up to start the backend.
  6. Optionally set up a Systemd service to start the wiki on startup or use this deployment github workflow.

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be set using a .env file. Use the .env.template files for reference. See backend/src/ for more documentation and types.


Database (Postgres)
  • DB_NAME: Database name
  • DB_HOST: Database hostname (eg: localhost)
  • DB_PORT: Database port
  • DB_USER: Database username
  • DB_PASSWORD: Database password
  • GH_CLIENT_ID: Client ID of the Github OAuth app.
  • GH_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret of the Github OAuth app.
  • GH_ORG_NAME: The name of the Github organization of the admins.
  • GH_ORG_TEAM_SLUG: The URL slug of the Github org team of the admins.
  • GH_ORG_ADMIN_TOKEN: Github token of organization admin (with read:org scope).
  • GH_ADMIN_USERNAMES: Comma separated list of Github usernames of the admins. (other than the org team members)
  • JWT_SECRET: A secret key/password for JWT signing. It should be a long, random, unguessable string.
  • MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT: Maximum number of files that can be uploaded at once.
  • LOG_LOCATION: The path to a local logfile.
  • STATIC_FILES_URL: The URL of the static files server. (eg:
  • STATIC_FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION: The path to the local directory from which the static files are served.
  • UPLOADED_QPS_PATH: A path relative to STATIC_FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION where the uploaded question papers will be stored. (eg: iqps/uploaded)
  • LIBRARY_QPS_PATH: A path relative to STATIC_FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION where the library question papers are scraped and stored. (eg: peqp/qp)
  • SERVER_PORT: The port on which the server listens.
  • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: A comma (,) separated list of origins to be allowed in CORS.


  • VITE_BACKEND_URL: The IQPS backend URL. Use http://localhost:8080 in development.
  • VITE_MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT The maximum number of files that can be uploaded at once. (Note: This is only a client-side limit)
  • VITE_GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID The Client ID of the Github OAuth app.


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The currently active maintainer(s) of this project.


Honoring the original creator(s) and ideator(s) of this project.

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