You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 28
Getting Started
Welcome to Meteor-Postgres. This document provides a brief introduction to Meteor-Postgres.
Please set your environmental variable POSTGRES to your connection string. It should look like this:
// alternatively env var can be DATABASE_URL
In a JS file that's loaded on the client and the server, instantiate your SQL collections.
tasks = new SQL.Collection('tasks');
usernames = new SQL.Collection('usernames');
Setting up server
The following code should run inside:
if (Meteor.isServer){}
Creating tables on the Server
Tables created on the client are not persistent and will need to be recreated each time the code runs. They will automatically be populated with data from the server-side database, but the first time you run the code you will need to create tables on the server-side database (Postgres). For this we have created helper functions. Please use these functions to create tables and relationships, since they are required in order to add the proper NOTIFY functions to the tables. These functions will throw non-breaking errors if they run and the tables already exist. Also please do not use any underscores("_") on your column names, or they will have naming conflicts in miniSQL.
tasks.createTable({text: ['$string'], checked: ["$bool", {$default: false}]}).save();
usernames.createTable({name: ['$string']}).save();
tasks.createRelationship('usernames', '$onetomany').save();
Setting up publishing to client
The select statement generated by the .publish method will define the data set used to populate the client. After it's published, the unsubscribed data will not be available but the published data set will remain reactive.
tasks.publish('tasks', function(){
return tasks.select('tasks.id as id', 'tasks.text', 'tasks.checked', 'tasks.createdat', 'username.id as usernameid', 'username.name')
.join(['INNER JOIN'], ["usernameid"], \[\["username", "d"\]\])
.order('createdat DESC')
username.publish('username', function(){
return username.select('id', 'name')
Setting up client
The following code should run inside Meteor.isClient
if (Meteor.isClient){}
Creating tables on the client
Create table will determine how you would like to structure your data on the client, from the data made available by the .publish method.
var taskTable = {
id: ['$number'],
text: ['$string', '$notnull'],
checked: ['$bool'],
usersid: ['$number']
var usernamesTable = {
id: ['$number'],
name: ['$string', '$notnull']
var newTasks = tasks.select('tasks.id', 'tasks.text', 'tasks.checked', 'tasks.createdat', 'usernames.name')
.join(['OUTER JOIN'], ['usernamesid'], [['usernames', ['id']]])
.where("usernames.name = ?", newUser)
Insert data as an object of field-value pairs.
usersid: user
Update data as an object of field-value pairs.
id: this.id,
"checked": !this.checked
.where("id = ?", this.id)
.where("id = ?", this.id)
All database method chains must end with fetch or save.
See Detailed Database Methods for more info.