KPP is a kotlin pre-processor developed in Kotlin DSL (kotlin build script) for android studio and the kotlin language
it is currently in beta as it is not fully functional yet
- improve documentation
- publish plugin
- figure out how to include this in other projects
- improve installation and usage information
- figure out how to hook gradle syntax analysis to provide autocompletion for directives and macros
- #define is fully functional
- stringilization :
#define tostring(x) #x
- token concation :
#define cat(a,b) a##b
- predefined macros :
__FILE__, __LINE__, and others
- any other directives i may have missed
in project root
git clone
by default, kpp's install directory is hardcoded to ProjectRoot/kpp, eg /home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/kpp
where AudioEvolved
is the ProjectRoot
in module you wish kpp to operate on
for example, if i want KPP to process all files in /home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/app
, i would append
apply from: '../kpp/build.gradle.kts'
to /home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/app/build.gradle
the internals of kpp are simple
first, it operates on the following rules:
in order to explain we need to assume something first
src = /home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/app/src/main/java/start_of_email/smallville7123/at/gmail/com/end_of_email/apps/audioevolved/UI.kt
dest = /home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/kpp/src/main/java/start_of_email/smallville7123/at/gmail/com/end_of_email/apps/audioevolved/UI.kt
when src is about to be scanned, it first checks for the existence of dest
if dest exist, kpp will process dest
if dest does not exist, it will scan src
if src contains any pre-processing information such as #defines, kpp will move src to dest, overwriting it if it exists
if src does not contain pre-processing info, kpp will leave src alone
if dest no longer contains pre-processing info, kpp will copy dest back to src, overwriting src
after it has found files with pre-processing information, those files are kept in kpp's internal folder and any changes to the src will no longer be effective, this is explained after
when kpp processes files in its internal folder, any changes made to any file are automatically applied to the original src of that file
for example:
if you have a
#define a b
in src, kpp will copy src to dest, process dest to dest.preprocessed.kt, then copy dest.preprocessed.kt to src, overwriting src
if you delete the contents of src, but not src itself, the contents of src is restored when kpp processes dest
if you modify dest, src will also be modified accordingly
if dest no longer contains
#define a b
dest will be moved to src, and its files removed from the kpp folder
if you delete the contents of dest, the src will also have its contents deleted, and dest will be deleted as it has no pre-processing information such as #define due to the fact dest is now empty
given this, the verbose log of KPP is maintained in the Build tabs console view, and depending on your build file, is the very first task executed
ones build might look like this
sync failed 19 s 923 ms
Run build 19 s 279 ms
Load build 161 ms
Run init scripts 145 ms
Evaluate settings 16 ms
Configure build 19 s 49 ms
Load projects 14 ms
Configure project : 711 ms
Register task :init
Register task :wrapper 1 ms
Configure project :app 18 s 302 ms
> Configure project :app
using preprocessing examples.kt in kpp/src
registered macro definition for preprocessing examples.kt at index 1
processing preprocessing examples.kt -> preprocessing examples.kt.preprocessed.kt
preprocessing examples.kt: preprocessor directive: define
preprocessing examples.kt: preprocessor line: #define foob(X, y , Z ) bar X y Z
text : (X, y , Z )
extracting arguments for X, y , Z
Arguments List = [X, y, Z]
expanding line ' bar X y Z'
tokens to ignore : [ , (, ), ., ,, -, >]
tokenization : [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , bar, , X, , y, , Z]
expanded string : bar X y Z
Type = function
Token = foob
Arguments = [X, y, Z]
Value = bar X y Z
[0].FullMacro = #define foob(X, y , Z ) bar X y Z
[0].Type = function
[0].Token = foob
[0].Arguments = [X, y, Z]
[0].Value = bar X y Z
expanding line 'foob a(1,2,3) // object'
tokens to ignore : [ , (, ), ., ,, -, >]
tokenization : [foob, , a, (, 1, ,, 2, ,, 3, ), , //, , object]
foob of type matches foob
token list = foob
determining if foob is a function or an object
foob is an object
foob of type function has value bar X y Z
foob of type function does not match a
foob of type function does not match 1
foob of type function does not match 2
foob of type function does not match 3
foob of type function does not match //
foob of type function does not match object
expanded string : bar X y Z a(1,2,3) // object
expanding line 'foob (1,2,3) // function'
tokens to ignore : [ , (, ), ., ,, -, >]
tokenization : [foob, , (, 1, ,, 2, ,, 3, ), , //, , function]
foob of type matches foob
token list = foob
determining if foob is a function or an object
foob is a function
token list [2] = (
foob of type function has value bar X y Z
foob of type function does not match 1
foob of type function does not match 2
foob of type function does not match 3
foob of type function does not match //
foob of type function does not match function
expanded string : foob (1,2,3) // function
expanding line 'foob(1,2,3) // function'
tokens to ignore : [ , (, ), ., ,, -, >]
tokenization : [foob, (, 1, ,, 2, ,, 3, ), , //, , function]
foob of type matches foob
token list = foob
determining if foob is a function or an object
foob is a function
token list [1] = (
foob of type function has value bar X y Z
foob of type function does not match 1
foob of type function does not match 2
foob of type function does not match 3
foob of type function does not match //
foob of type function does not match function
expanded string : foob(1,2,3) // function
expanding line ''
tokens to ignore : [ , (, ), ., ,, -, >]
tokenization : []
expanded string :
preprocessing examples.kt.preprocessed.kt (in kpp/src) copied back to original source
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/home/superlock/AndroidStudioProjects/AudioEvolved/app/build.gradle' line: 39
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Could not create task ':app:KOTLIN_PRE_PROCESSOR'.
> Aborted
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Open File
this is taken at the time of this documents writing, and at the current state of KPP
the Aborted here is intentional as i am only focussing on KPP, and need not actually build the project untill i actually get kpp to be stable, in which i will start implementing kotlin specific pre-processor directives
java is also going to be supported, but for now i am focusing on kotlin
( define directive fully supports object like macros, and function like macros )
stringilization : #define tostring(x) #x
token concation : #define cat(a,b) a##b
predefined macros : __FILE__, __LINE__, and others
any other directives i may have missed
cpp is intended for C
, C#
, and C++
and as such produces unwanted text in its output, such as #line
directives, aswell as not properly supporting the kotlin language (using cpp on anything other than the C language set is considered abuse of the preprocessor, and may result in unintended side effects