This project is a client/server application where the client is an Android application and the server is based on a Hadoop Infrastructure. It provides efficient Hadoop Map-Reduce implementations of many scientific computations. This is a beta version.
- Selection
- Distinct selection
- Grouping and aggregation
- Union
- Intersection
- Difference
- Sorting
- Neighbors of Neighbors
- Vector Multiplication
- Matrix Multiplication
Before running everything :
- put your authorization key in : PHP\Handoop\javaphp.php
- enter you database username and password : PHP\Handoop\Database.php
- verify the path of jar folder needed in your java project (all jar exists in JAVA\jars)
- enter you database username and password : JAVA\Handoop\src\Handoop\
- put your google-services.json under Android\Handoop\app
Tested on : Hadoop 2.X.
the cluster was constituted from 3 Vmware machines. The first was the master (and slave in the same time) , and 2 others slaves. In this case , port forwarding was managed using Vmware virtual network editor.
be careful : your appache should have the right to activate shell_exec and run yarn framework (you can change default user of appache)
For quick test put folders in "HDFS" in your hdfs
To activate your cluster :
To manage database from terminal :
mysql -u username -p
Default database :
USE handoop;
Tables : fcmid - history
manage job history : --config /home/hadoopuser/hadoop start historyserver --config /home/hadoopuser/hadoop stop historyserver
to build the projet in eclipse : Handoop project > export > Java > Runnable jar file > OK (Extract required libraries)
Appache should run on the master
Hadoop configuration notes can be found at :
For more information feel free to contact me : [email protected]