This is a practical Ecommerce Store project using Next.js latest features bootstrapped with create-next-app
Explore the E-commerce demo and its Admin demo for better understanding'.
You can also take a look at the project's dashboard repo if you want.
Database vusioalized ERD here.
- UI: TSX, Tailwindcss, Shadcn/ui
- TypeScript
- Nextjs v13.4
- Main Packages: Redux, Clerk, Formik, Axios
- Secondary Packages: HotToast
- DataBase: MySQL + PlanetScale + Prisma
- Routing: New app directory
- Shadcn/ui for the Pre made components!
- This admin dashboard serve as both CMS, Admin and API!
- Control mulitple vendors / stores through this single CMS! (For example you can have a "Shoe store" and a "Laptop store" and a "Suit store", and our CMS will generate API routes for all of those individually!)
- All CRUD functionalities for all categories, products, filters (Color, Size)!
- Upload multiple images for products, and change them whenever you want!
- Create, update and delete "Billboards" which are these big texts on top of the page. You will be able to attach them to a single category, or use them standalone (Our Admin generates API for all of those cases!)
- Search through all categories, products, sizes, colors, billboards with included pagination!
- Control which products are "featured" so they show on the homepage!
- See your orders, sales, etc.
- See graphs of your revenue etc.
- Order creation
- Stripe checkout
- Stripe webhooks
- MySQL + Prisma + PlanetScale
Create .env.local from '.env.example' file and declare the project environment variables
Starting a development instance of the app
# Install Dependencies
npm install
# Start the app
npm run dev
npm run build