This repository contains the supervision work as well as general information about the Artificial Intelligence I supervisions.
- Try to book at least one week in advance, although I am aware that this is not always possible.
- Book one supervision per 4 lectures.
- Preferred form is a nicely latexed pdf.
- Written submission in my pigeon hole in Churchill 48 hours before supervision.
- By email 24 hours before supervision.
- Department of Engineering on weekdays.
Why github?
- Easier to manage the work plus you can use the source code and you don't have to latex the questions yourself.
- It is recommended that you subscribe to see the updates in this repo.
Contacting Marton
- If its a question related to the work, use the 'Issue' functionality on github. This way, everyone who has the same problem can see the question and contribute to the answer.
- For anything else (such as bookings or cancellations) use email.
- Call me or use facebook if urgent.