Island Tours is a website that provides customers (tourists and drivers) with the ability to browse the page for information, create accounts, login to created accounts and make bookings.
It was created by Carissa Willis and Enam Dartey for Jade Morrison
This project uses Next.js with Typescript, JavaScript and CSS for the frontend combined with MongoDB and Node on the backend.
- Create a Next App using:
- Once set up, clone this website
- Install packages needed on your local
- Run: npm run dev to start the react app
- Run: node .\src\app\server\connect.cjs to connect to the database
@emotion/react: ver 11.11.4
@emotion/styled: ver 11.11.5
@mui/icons-material: ver 5.15.15
@mui/material: ver 5.15.15
axios: ver 1.6.8
cors: ver 2.8.5
dotenv: ver 16.4.5
express: ver 4.19.2
lottie-react: ver 2.4.0
lottie-web: ver 5.12.2
lucide-react: ver 0.344.0
mongoose: ver 8.3.2
mui: ver 0.0.1
next: ver 14.1.0
node.js: ver 0.0.1-security
react: ver 18
react-date-picker: ver 10.6.0
react-datepicker: ver 6.9.0
react-dom: ver 18.2.0
react-router-dom: ver 6.22.3