This is a Rust client for the RabbitMQ HTTP API.
This is not an AMQP 0-9-1 client (see amqprs), an AMQP 1.0 client (see fe2o3-amqp) or RabbitMQ Stream protocol client library.
This library is relatively young, breaking API changes are possible.
rabbitmq_http_client = { version = "0.25.0", features = ["core", "blocking"] }
rabbitmq_http_client = { version = "0.25.0", features = ["core", "async"] }
rabbitmq_http_client = { version = "0.25.0", features = ["core", "blocking", "tabled"] }
rabbitmq_http_client = { version = "0.25.0", features = ["core", "async", "tabled"] }
This library offers two client implementations: a blocking one and an async one,
in rabbitmq_http_client::blocking_api
and rabbitmq_http_client::api
, respectively.
Both API versions and tabled
support are optional features.
Documentation for async API follows that of the blocking API.
The examples below do not cover the entire API. Most ``
use rabbitmq_http_client::blocking_api::ClientBuilder;
// a type alias for convenience
type APIClient<'a> = Client<&'a str, &'a str, &'a str>;
let endpoint = "http://localhost:15672/api";
let username = "username";
let password = "password";
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
// list cluster nodes
let _ = rc.list_nodes();
// list user connections
let _ = rc.list_connections();
// fetch information and metrics of a specific queue
let _ = rc.get_queue_info("/", "qq.1");
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
let _ = rc.list_nodes();
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
let _ = rc.list_connections();
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
// fetch information and metrics of a specific queue or stream
let _ = rc.get_queue_info("/", "qq.1");
use rabbitmq_http_client::api::ClientBuilder;
// a type alias for convenience
type APIClient<'a> = Client<&'a str, &'a str, &'a str>;
let endpoint = "http://localhost:15672/api";
let username = "username";
let password = "password";
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
let rc = ClientBuilder::new().with_endpoint(&endpoint).with_basic_auth_credentials(&username, &password).build();
rc.get_queue_info("/", "qq.1").await;
This client library was designed to make very few assumptions about how the underlying
HTTP client, reqwest
, is set up, in particular when it comes to TLS and crypto.
To use TLS connections to the HTTP API, use the ClientBuilder
interface in reqwest
to configure TLS, then combine the constructed client
with this library's blocking_api::ClientBuilder
or api::ClientBuilder
's with_client
use reqwest::blocking::Client as HTTPClient;
// this is reqwest's `ClientBuilder`
let mut b = HTTPClient::builder()
// add a CA certificate bundle file to the list of trusted roots
// for x.509 peer verification
let httpc =
let username = "example";
let password = "ex4mple $eKr37;
// make sure the endpoint uses TLS and the correct port for TLS-enabled connections
let endpoint = "https://example.domain:15671/api"
// this is this library's `ClientBuilder`
let client = ClientBuilder::new()
.with_basic_auth_credentials(username, password)
// pass in the pre-configured HTTP client
This design decision means that with this HTTP API client, it's up to the user to make some key TLS-related choices, for example, what certificate store to use for x.509 peer verification, what the acceptable minimum TLS version should be, and so on.
By default this client will use native-tls
This means that the default list of trusted CA certificates (roots) is managed via the OS-specific mechanisms
such as the Keychain on macOS or the local openssl
version and its standard directories for trusted (root) CA certificates.
This crate, rabbitmq-http-api-client-rs, is dual-licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 and the MIT license.