- TodoMVC implemented with tRPC + Prisma
- Live at todomvc.trpc.io
- Try in CodeSandbox: https://githubbox.com/trpc/trpc/tree/main/examples/next-prisma-todomvc
yarn create next-app --example https://github.com/trpc/trpc --example-path examples/next-prisma-todomvc trpc-todo
cd trpc-todo
yarn dev
yarn dx # runs prisma studio + next
- This project contains both Postgres & SQLite in able for us to easily showcase it in both CodeSandbox and deploy on Vercel.
- This is not a recommended approach. If you want to fork this project as a starter, do the following:
rm -rf ./prisma/_sqlite
- Update
:- remove all references of
- replace commands using
- remove all references of
Created by @alexdotjs.