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Docker Swarm Cluster Back by Consul and Registrator

Table of Contents

What Does This Button (playbook) Do?

This playbook assumes that we will create three node cluster with a Consul and Registrator as a autodiscover backend.

Docker Swarm cluster

This playbook covers creating SWARM cluster using:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Centos 7 (soon)
  • vagrant (VirtualBox vm) as a "hypervisor".

Prepare environment

Before we start we need to install a few things:

  1. Vagrant
  2. VirtualBox
  3. VirtualBox Extension Pack
  4. Ansible
  5. Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:zerodowntime/docker_swarm_ansible.git

How to create dev environment on local machine

First of all we need to create our hosts which will create the SWARM cluster. Our Vagrantfile will create three nodes:

boxes = [
        :name => "node1",
        :eth1 => "",
        :mem => "2048",
        :cpu => "2",
        :os => "ubuntu/trusty64",
        :name => "node2",
        :eth1 => "",
        :mem => "2048",
        :cpu => "2",
        :os => "ubuntu/trusty64",
        :name => "node3",
        :eth1 => "",
        :mem => "2048",
        :cpu => "2",
        :os => "ubuntu/trusty64",

and next will copy your SSH public key into each machine.

To deploy creating our three hosts we need to execute

vagrant up


Next we can see the result

vagrant status

which should look simmilar to this

Current machine states:

node1                     running (virtualbox)
node2                     running (virtualbox)
node3                     running (virtualbox)

We can also try to SSH to those vms using ssh command

If all went well we can now deploy our playbook by executing

ansible-playbook -i ./dev/hosts create_swarm_cluster.yml

How to manage cluster?

First of all lets check cluster status

docker -H info

and we should see that our cluster has three nodes and available resources are 6 CPUs and 6GB of RAM total.

Next we can see what kind of containers we have running on the cluster

docker -H ps -a

also we can check Consul (cluster) UI which should be available under URL

Features Walk-through

  1. Make sure that there is an index.html file on every node with some content identifying the node:

    vagrant ssh node2 -- cat /opt/web/index.html
    <p>This website was deployed on: <b><h2></h2></b></p>
  2. Spawn a container that will serve this file on some node:

       docker -H run --name nginx-single1 -v /opt/web:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8090:80 nginx

    We're using Swarm API here ( that will choose a node for the container according to the strategy.

  3. Check that the container is running

    • use Swarm API

      docker -H ps -a
    • use Consul

    It should appear as nginx-80 - that is the service name.

    It might happened that the container was started on a different node that the API we hit. It is due to the load balancing and the aforementioned strategies.

  4. Spawn another container and look where it was started:

    docker -H run --name nginx-single2 -v /opt/web:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8090:80 nginx
  5. Hit HTTP interface of the containers:

    If your containers where started on node1 and node3:

  6. Get information about the service: via consul REST API exposed by every node in the cluster:


    The result is something like the following:

         "ServicePort": 8090,
         "ServiceAddress": "",
         "ServiceTags": null,
         "ServiceName": "nginx-80",
         "ServiceID": "379f63b6cb5e:nginx-single1:80",
         "Address": "",
         "Node": "node1"
         "ServicePort": 8090,
         "ServiceAddress": "",
         "ServiceTags": null,
         "ServiceName": "nginx-80",
         "ServiceID": "6a38ca419203:nginx-single2:80",
         "Address": "",
         "Node": "node3"
    • via Consul DNS service from within a special container with network tools:
      docker -H tcp:// run --rm -it --name dnt joffotron/docker-net-tools

    That will drop you into the shell of the dnt container. It gets attached to the docker network and can access the DNS service provided by Consul:

     dig nginx-80.service.consul
     ; <<>> DiG 9.10.2-P4 <<>> nginx-80.service.consul
     ;; global options: +cmd
     ;; Got answer:
     ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48529
     ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
     ;nginx-80.service.consul.	IN	A
     nginx-80.service.consul. 0	IN	A
     nginx-80.service.consul. 0	IN	A
     ;; Query time: 3 msec
     ;; SERVER:
     ;; WHEN: Fri Jul 29 16:12:45 UTC 2016
     ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 119

    Note, that the service is available on 2 hosts. What's more Consul will provide automatic load balancing between the instances of the service:

     $ ping -c 2 nginx-80.service.consul
     PING nginx-80.service.consul ( 56 data bytes
     64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.531 ms
     $ ping -c 2 nginx-80.service.consul
     PING nginx-80.service.consul ( 56 data bytes
     64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.322 ms
  7. Add another nginx container and check that it is automatically registered under nginx-80:

       docker -H run --name nginx-single3 -v /opt/web:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -p 8090:80 nginx

    Note that the registrator recognizes the same service based on the image name and the port (nginx-80).

Sample Web App deploy

The following Ansible playbook will deploy a sample web application:

ansible-playbook -i ./dev/hosts deploy_app.yml

The app runs on every node and serves a simple html file that says on which node it resides:

Thanks to the registrator the service is automatically registered as a web_server service (the name is set via docker labels in an Ansible task for test_web_app).

What's more, this playbook starts reverse_proxy service that makes use of the built-in load balancing mechanism and redirects every HTTP request on port 80 to web_server.service.consul - as a result every HTTP request to any of the nodes is load-balanced. Try executing the below command several times:



Create docker SWARM cluster with ansible.






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