- Day 1: Creating FHIR Questionnaires from unstructured sources
w: Welcome Screen
u: Upload form
g: Generate Questionnaire
v: Validate Questionnaire
r: Render Questionnaire
i: Iterate with User
[*] --> w
w --> u
u --> g
g --> v
v --> g
v --> r
r --> i
i --> g
i --> [*]
- Day 2: Auto-populating items based on EHR data
flowchart TD
A[Questionnaire] --> C[Break into individual items]
subgraph Processing for Each Question
D["Generate *keyword query tree* to identify\nCandidate EHR Snippets\n(Alt: Use Embeddings)"]
E["Generate *interface FactModel {}* for abstracting\nCandidate EHR Snippets"]
D --> F["Abstract all Candidate Snippets into\nFactModel[]"]
E --> F
F --> H[Summarize set of facts into a\nPrepopulation Suggestion\nas QuestionnaireResponse.item]
C --> D
C --> E
H --> I[End]
- Day 3: UX for filling forms (with auto-population assistance)
(In hackmd for editing.)
Overview of "hack week" goals
- https://github.com/microsoft-healthcare-madison/hackweek-2023-12
- Learning + team-building exercise
- Identify opportunities for healthcare standards
This week's topic: Clinical forms & structuring healthcare data
- Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 goals
- Build demos and build our own intuitions
- We know full well these are each deep problems that we could get lost in
- Try to keep moving forward and learning; catalog problems and set aside
Day 1: Structuring free-text data into FHIR Questionnaires
- Demo: a clinical instrument that has never been "LOINC-ified" (http://www.tbi-impact.org/cde/mod_templates/12_F_06_Rivermead.pdf)
- https://github.com/microsoft-healthcare-madison/hackweek-2023-12/tree/main/day-1-fhir-questionnaire-creation/examples
- Key theme: Lots of forms go through a formal standards process with, e.g. LOINC (~100K concepts and growing)... but Still there's a very long tail of clinical content
- Specific disease areas / clinical research
- Bespoke intake forms and local processes
- Key theme: With in-context schema documentation, zero-shot generation is impressive
- Key theme: Closed loop with FHIR validator improves output quality in complex cases
- Better quality validation --> Better results
- Better, clearer error messages --> Better results (Bonus: good for humans too)
- Key theme: Iterating on large forms leads to the output from the model generalizing or produces snippits making it hard to code/edit - need to reduce scope and be more explicit with defining changes
- Key theme: Need to QA results - hallucinations can be subtle (e.g., inventing questions instead of reading text)
- Can be developer's fault (e.g., not providing enough context)
- Can be system's fault (e.g., request failure results in explicit "I'll make this up")
- Output includes only a "snippet" or theme for the change e.g. "... apply same to other questions..."
- Gino: LOINC Coding Experiments
Day 2: Automatically gathering and populating data from EHR
- Demo: Unstructured data with cancer staging &
Guided approach with "map/reduce" and GPT-4 API
- https://github.com/microsoft-healthcare-madison/hackweek-2023-12/blob/main/day-2-answer-suggestion/outputs/provide-all-details-needed-to-determine-the-breast-cancer-stage.md
- Key theme: realistic data is hard to come by, for this kind of exploration
- We can at least build intuitions using synthetic data
- Example generation session: https://chat.openai.com/share/8f989aa9-d743-472f-b87e-a9709aeba4a2
- Key theme: provide meta-structure, but give LLM the freedom to self-prompt
- Demo: Structured data: Code Interpreter with full data set loaded locally
- https://chat.openai.com/share/f3115614-7c1c-4f99-9907-0770201d3936
- Key theme: resiliency + self-correcting behavior with feedback from code outputs
- Key theme: self-guided analysis is hard; can take several attempts
- Demo: Unstructured data with cancer staging &
Guided approach with "map/reduce" and GPT-4 API
Day 3: Brian screenshare on entering / pre-populating responses, pulling from existing content
- SDC prepop if editors write expressions ahed of time
- Could produce these extensions automatically
- UX Paradigms for interacting with LLMs are still being invented
- We explore some structured and unstructured examples
- Getting the best out of your LLM
- GPT-4 has strong built-in capabilities
- GPT-4 samples at T=.7-1 have tremendous variability
- Taming the variability without stifling the creativity
- In-context guidance through detailed prompting is table stakes
- In-context learning (e.g., with FHIR schema) helps steer generation tasks
- External feedback loops (e.g., with FHIR validator or code interpreter) can be magical
- "Narrow tasks" are helpful
- Give LLM a specific, narrow task when "creative" or "insightful" work is involved
- Use structured approaches to prevent errors downstream
- e.g., gating application of changes with a human-facing decision
- e.g., working out implications in a structured way, rather than asking the LLM
- Real/realistic are hard to come by
- Critical for testing and intuition-building
- Critical for evaluating a model's performance
- Synthetic clinical notes can be very pragmatic... maybe for both
- Also found that the approach using the typescript "interface" style of interacting worked VERY well.
- getting lists from the LLM wasn't obvious, though simple in the end, just including an array of objects in the interface
- The code comments on the interface actually worked very well as part of the prompt without other instructions.
- When receiving large questionnaires with fields that are similar can have trouble evaluating the difference between them. Further research required here.
- It wasn't able to split the difference between Full name, title, preferred name. However it was able to chunk out given, middle and family names.
- The inclusion of confidence, reasoning and source do help inform UI after response from AI to better post process for display.
- Getting the LLM to try and summarize a forms purpose with limited information really goes to show that poor form design can lead to more challenging use - which I guess is consistent with real usage.
- Maybe an area that could be investigated further is continuing to review/refine a definition to improve usability/clarity.
- Using the LLM as a closed box and just sending it everything can be difficult to understand why something isn't working
- Breaking up process into smaller tasks and processing that way helps reduce unknown failures, and with smaller token count requests appear to be faster too.
- Breaking up questionnaires and providing subsets will be common, and may need multiple calls when trying to process a form
- investigated a few approaches to dicing large form definitions with many groups/questions.
- Approach ended up with was to chain through groups together, but also include the chain from the base of the questionnaire.
- As a UX experience, just blasting the result into the form without confirmation wasn't great, and particularly without the ability to discuss where it came from.
- UX Feedback that AI is still processing is important as it can take quite some time and what it is working on.
- More important when doing multiple steps, as need to know which steps are taking the time.
- More open source SDC based tooling to help work with FHIR Questionnaires can be improved.
- When generating the form definitions, often the engine would give "snippits" that had do same here embedded which then needed to be split out again - makes processing into a real form via code difficult, and keeping a large form in context can be challenging/slow.
- Quality of error messages from validator can greatly improve the chances that GPT will correct things properly.
- gpt-4 feels less like an 'expert' and more like a 'junior/senior pretending to be an expert'.
- It can do a lot of things.
- When right, it feels like magic.
- Extracting the questions from the PRAPARE-English PDF file.
- Selecting correct LOINC code based on a related-text query
- When wrong, it can be extremely blatant or very subtle.
- Extracting most of the questions of PRAPARE, but making up the last five.
- Inventing a new LOINC code
- Using an existing LOINC code, but inventing a new description.
- All output needs to be verified and validated.
- gpt-4 performance and cost means that it is best to lean on AI for isolated and well-defined tasks instead of entire worfklows
- Testing is time-consuming and time-sensitive (contamination problem)
- It is hard to know if your test is something it knows specifically (e.g., seen that brainteaser before)
- Publishing test scenarios properly means that data could be included in a future set of models.
- Care should be taken to ensure that tests are novel.
Rough ideas for current appropriate uses:
- Developer assistant
- Models are good at writing code, somewhere between 80% and 100% correct.
- Developer (in theory) has expertise to evaluate and fix.
- Concept derivation
- Distilling free-form text into concise language from a particular context.
- Concept explanation
- Expounding on a terse description (iteratively) with a user to achieve understanding.
- Visual data extraction
- Great at pulling data, but needs visual comparison/review to ensure correctness.
- And feedback looping
- Makes a good sounding board, even when results are incorrect.
- Overall
- Processes that tolerate/integrate non-determinisim and fuzziness.