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Releases: microsoft/live-share-sdk

Release v1.4.0

14 Feb 22:20
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What's Changed

  • Improved docs on LivePresence by @huntj88 in #755
  • MediaPlayerSynchronizer groupaction events now emit ignored actions during suspension, with ignored reason by @huntj88 in #754
  • Fixed localUser in LivePresence not getting set up properly when canSendBackgroundUpdates was false by @huntj88 in #758
  • Fix some hooks in React SDK not supporting uniqueKey changes by @ryanbliss in #757
  • Variable rate playback for LiveMediaSession with new setPlaybackRate function in MediaPlayerSynchronizer by @huntj88 in #756

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0

Release v1.3.1

07 Feb 21:00
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What's Changed

  • Add canSendBackgroundUpdates check on initial background presence update to prevent sending initial update on .initialize() when background updates are disabled.
  • Fixed suspensions not working when canSendPositionUpdates is false.
  • Added enableBackgroundUpdates option for each instance LiveObjectSynchronizer and refactored connect event from LiveMediaSession to use LiveObjectSynchronizer to reduce redundant signals.

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1

Release v1.3.0

17 Jan 19:02
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What's Changed

  • Renamed getLiveContainerSchemaProxy to getLiveContainerSchema
  • Overhaul for error messages across the board
  • Improved typedocs for some of our APIs

Live Share Media

  • Added option to prevent blocking of unexpected player events (beta) by @huntj88 in #737

Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.3.0

Release v1.2.2

23 Oct 18:13
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What's Changed

  • Improved errors & typedocs for live-share-react by @ryanbliss in #730
  • Fixed LiveState and LivePresence logger bug where success was being marked as error by @ryanbliss in #732
  • Release v1.2.2 by @ryanbliss in #733

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2

Release v1.2.1

11 Oct 16:46
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What's Changed

  • Added canSendPositionUpdates prop to useMediaSynchronizer hook by @ryanbliss in #726
  • Add local and source to ExtendedMediaSessionActionDetails for the groupaction listener in MediaPlayerSynchronizer by @ryanbliss in #728
  • Updated to v1.2.1 by @ryanbliss in #729

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1

v1.2.0 release

09 Oct 18:41
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  • Replay events from other clients that existed before registering DDS, which fixes a bug where LiveState, LivePresence, and LiveTimer may not have correct state when initialized late by @huntj88 in #719
  • New LiveFollowMode DDS for presenting to everyone & following specific users (beta) by @ryanbliss in #720
  • Exposed getClientInfo in LiveDataObject by @huntj88 in #722
  • canSendBackgroundUpdates setting in LiveShareClient / LiveShareRuntime for efficient signal usage in large meetings by @ryanbliss in #724


This update changed props of LiveShareRuntime constructor. This isn't something we expect external developers to use in normal circumstances, but it is technically a public class. If you use this and used some of the optional props in the constructor (non-normative), this will be a breaking change for you. Normally we wouldn't make a breaking change to a public class, but these optional props for the constructor were really only added for our unit tests, and this class is publicly exposed primarily for use in live-share-turbo. But in the off chance this does impact you, we are attaching a guide here for your convenience.

To fix this, change this:

// Create your host, such as AzureLiveShareHost
const host = AzureLiveShareHost.create();
// Create your timestampProvider (optional)
const timestampProvider = new CustomTimestampProvider();
// Create your role verifier (optional)
const roleVerifier = new CustomRoleVerifier();
// Create the LiveShareRuntime
const runtime = new LiveShareRuntime(this._host, timestampProvider, roleVerifier);

To this:

// Create your host, such as AzureLiveShareHost
const host = AzureLiveShareHost.create();
// Create your options (optional)
const options = {
  timestampProvider: new CustomTimestampProvider(),
  roleVerifier: new CustomRoleVerifier(),
// Create the LiveShareRuntime
const runtime = new LiveShareRuntime(this._host, options);



  • Cache dynamic DDS in memory so that multiple calls to getDDS do not return different instances by @ryanbliss in #718

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0

v1.1.0 release

11 Sep 21:53
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What's Changed

  • Added flag to disable sending position updates for LiveMediaSession by @huntj88 in #708
  • Handle Android bug by checking types instead of keys by @huntj88 in #716
  • Expose clientId in ExtendedMediaSessionActionDetails for LiveMediaSession by @huntj88 in #715
  • v1.1.0 release by @ryanbliss in #717

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0

v1.0.2 release

18 Aug 18:46
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This update includes a critical bug fix for Android devices, which was causing role verification and LivePresence to fail in some cases. If you are running into any issues, please update immediately.

What's Changed

  • Removed role check on unrestricted scope in media by @ryanbliss in #646
  • Fixed local user being able to draw on canvas without correct role by @huntj88 in #677
  • Fixed Media syncing when pause event is emitted by a player immediately before ended by @huntj88 in #672
  • Fixed getClientInfo receiving wrong format from android by @huntj88 in #705
  • Release for v1.0.2 and v1.0.2-preview.1 by @ryanbliss in #706

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2

v1.0.1 release

02 Jun 19:58
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What's Changed

This is a minor patch release with bug fixes and additional flexibility.

live-share-media (1.0.1)

  • Fixed MediaPlayerSynchronizer returning incorrect metadata by @huntj88 in #620
  • Created new and fixed existing live-share-media unit tests by @huntj88 in #611

live-share-react (1.0.1-preview.1)

  • Fixed generic types for Live Share React hooks by @ryanbliss in #618
  • useMediaSynchronizer more flexible mediaPlayerElement types by @ryanbliss in #619

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

v1.0.0 release - Live Share is generally available!

23 May 23:23
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What's changed

Live Share is officially generally available! This means Microsoft can now recommend for production scenarios. We have published the v1.0.0 version of @microsoft/live-share, @microsoft/live-share-media, and @microsoft/live-share-canvas to npm. Since we use semantic versioning, this means that we are committed to no breaking changes to our interfaces until our next major release (2.0.0).

Our general availability comes with the following officially supported LiveDataObject classes:

  • LivePresence
  • LiveState
  • LiveTimer
  • LiveEvent
  • LiveMediaSession
  • LiveCanvas

For those still using our Preview versions of the SDK, please refer to previous release notes for guides on how to upgrade. A lot of APIs were renamed, removed, or reworked (for example, updatePresence was renamed to update in LivePresence, and now returns Promise<void> instead of void). If you need any help, feel free to ask us questions in our discussion board.

Our general availability has been a long time coming, and we're so excited to see what apps you release in the coming months.

Changes from this release (compared to preview.23)

  • userId, clientId, state, and data were replaced with a localUser getter in LivePresence.
  • We have updated our license to reflect our general availability.

Known issues

  • When using the teams-js LiveShareHost, LivePresenceUser's displayName field will currently show as undefined. This will change in the next week or two once the Teams desktop client completes its May rollout.
  • Similar to above, the userId of LivePresenceUser will temporarily be equal to clientId. This will be replaced with a real userId once the Teams desktop client completes its May rollout.
  • Guest users in calendar & meet now meetings (aka "anonymous" users) will not be supported until the Teams desktop client completes its May rollout.
  • Guest users in channel meetings are not yet supported.
  • Like other Teams platform capabilities, Live Share does not yet support "the new Teams", with availability planned for later this summer.

Live Share Turbo and React previews

While the three packages mentioned above are generally available, live-share-turbo and live-share-react remain in preview. Those are published as as version 1.0.0-preview.24. We will keep the minor versions in sync with the core SDK versions (e.g., 1.0.1 of live-share will be released as 1.0.1-preview.1 of live-share-react). We hope to make those packages generally available in the coming months, so please give it a try and let us know what you think!

Commits since last release notes

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-preview.15...v1.0.0