Extension for Laravel Nestedset.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require migda/laravel-nestedset-visualisation
An artisan command for generating an image of a given graph is included.
It accepts the fully qualified name of the model as an argument, eg. App\Models\Category
If you want to run this command, you need to have installed dot - Part of graphviz package (http://www.graphviz.org/).
php artisan laravel-nestedset:visualize {model? : Nestedset model} {property? : model property as node label} {--output=./graph.jpg} {--format=jpg} {--direction=TB} {--dot-path=/usr/local/bin/dot}
php artisan laravel-nestedset:visualize "\App\Models\Category" name --output=categories_graph.jpg --format=jpg --direction=LR
or just:
php artisan laravel-nestedset:visualize
composer test
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